Thursday, August 18, 2011

This and That, Here and There

Happy Birthday to my wonderful Mom! While they were here earlier in the week, I baked a cake and we sang to her. Doesn't she look great? And my dad, too. Mom is 75 today, and young at heart.

After the cake, we drove out to Cameron Lake, just in time ...

... to see the sunset! It's coming earlier and earlier, and we know what THAT means. But we won't talk about it, not yet.

In other news, when Tim comes home from work on the days I bake bread, there's usually one crust missing, sometimes, ahem, two of them. How can that have happened? Is there anything better than warm bread with butter? It's one of life's little pleasures.

I'm getting ready for more house guests this weekend. Good friends from Ecuador days, eldest daughter and husband driving up to spend the day on Sunday, plus - Nana is looking after Adria this weekend while her parents have a little anniversary getaway. Fun times ahead!


  1. Happy Birthday to your adorable mom! I am on a diet so I enjoyed virtually devouring that lovely birthday cake and not just two crusts, but the entire loaf of your wonderful homemade bread.


  2. Sounds like a very busy weekend indeed. Yes, your mom looks terrific and much younger than her years. Happy birthday to her!

    Don't forget to take pictures...

  3. Happy Birthday to your gorgeous Mom. Your homebaked cake looks delicious! I was treated to a home baked cake for my birthday, yesterday. My youngest son did a wonderful job making it. Nothing tastes as good as home made - especially when it comes to cake and bread!

  4. Birthday wishes to your Mum Lorrie - how lovely to have her with you on the day!

    Your bread looks delicious - I haven't tried baking bread yet but it is on my bucket list!!!!

    Enjoy your warm evenings while you've got them.

    Shane :))

  5. Your mom looks gorgeous, Lorrie and you look a lot like her. Wow, more company . . . you must have the biggest gift of hospitality I have ever come across. My sister, Kari, is way up there too, though. Have fun with your family and friends this weekend.

  6. Crusts off of freshly-baked bread have to be the BEST of simple pleasures.

    And both of them... ahem... that reminds me of my uncle, who as a young lad (so the story goes) would cut off the crusts from the week's supply of bread in one happy sitting. (Not so happy for his mother!)

    Yes, your mom is beautiful.... so glad she's enjoying being young at heart!

  7. Your mother is beautiful and how wonderful to catch a sunset just in time! The days have gotten shorter too quickly, haven't they? (mentioning a subject you were avoiding- heehee).

    I agree about bread and butter. This morning I had mine topped with jam. :)

  8. Happy birthday to your lovely mother! How nice that you could have cake together earlier.

    I know whereof you speak...the missing crusts!

  9. Lovely pic of your Mum & Dad.

    Agree about the bread. When we first bought our bread maker 10 + years ago I was concerned that I would not be able to resist but over time got used to the idea and the novelty wore off (glad to say) now I have just 2 slices a day at lunch time.

  10. Hi, this is what happens with blogging. I've seen your picture of a bread in some blog award winning thing in LaPouyette (a blogger that had made a comment on a Post on my blog) and since I've just started to make bread, it took me to your blog. What a beautiful life have you got!
    An now a new follower too!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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