Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sweet Summer Days

These August days are flying by. We made a very quick trip to the mainland last Friday and back again on Saturday. It was good to see my parents and other family members - just not nearly enough time for a proper visit with anyone.

Home to a house full of guests. Most welcome guests. A niece and her husband from Alberta, youngest daughter and her husband, son and granddaughter (grandbaby's mother stayed home, just in case her sister decided to have her baby). This little one is always in motion, and my camera setting wasn't correct, hence the blur.

Here Daddy thought that the toy basket might make a nice hat for Adria. I don't think her mother would approve of the style.

Elizabeth, from French Village Life, initiated a buttons and bows swap. My partner was Jane, from Marigold Jam and she sent me, from England, this lovely assortment of soft ribbons, laces, buttons and more. I'm looking forward to using them in some stitchery projects come fall.

The guests left in batches. I waved goodbye to the last of them yesterday afternoon. The house was quieter than normal last night because Tim was out of town for meetings. I spent the evening doing laundry and re-making all the beds. This morning I cut a few flowers from the yard and plunked them into bottles on the dining room table. A motley assortment, but pretty nonetheless.

Summer days are fleeting - how are you enjoying them?


  1. Summer days truly are fleeting.... it seems William Wordsworth felt similar thoughts when he said...

    "Sweet childish days, that were as long as twenty days are now."

    It's beautiful here today, so we ate our lettuce and tuna sandwiches lunch, savoring not only our lunch but the warmth and sunshine as a couple of cheery chickadees shared a whistle or two.

    Love your photos.....

  2. Just as you are I think. As for the grandgirlie...think sports setting. Still, the blur is nice, too, because it shows how much energy she has.

  3. Sounds like you have been a bed n breakfast as well, your little grand baby is getting so big! Darrell is off to Zurich tomorrow and will meet up with Ben. I am going to spend a week end with Melissa and the boys. Summer sure is zoomin along! Have a great rest of your week!

  4. I love the flower arrangements - much nicer than those done in "proper" vases and to a "proper" plan I always think. Dear little girl - love the hat reminds me of the time my daughter once insisted on going to the shops wearing the teacosy!! Glad the bits and bobs arrived safely and hope you will find a use for them.

  5. Thank you so much for joining in the swap. What pretty things you received!

  6. Oh my goodness she is such a huge scoop of sugar. Enjoy every moment.

  7. You have a lot of 'comings and goings' happening over there! That's exactly how is is over here...we plan to be home when the guests arrive. Yes...I am enjoying the summer. And I'm hoping it hangs on into fall a wee bit!

  8. Sounds like a busy, full week but lots of fun nevertheless.
    Your little granddaughter is growing up so fast, and so stylish, she can carry off the toy basket look, no worries!

  9. Our summer days are not only fleeting, they are almost non-existant.

    Another lost summer in these island.

  10. Oh I love those trips on the ferry! Sometimes I've flown to Vancouver and hopped right on the ferry. When I taught school in Vancouver, I took the ferry back home often and read or tried to nap instead of standing on deck. Now I head straight for the deck instead of looking for the best seat or checking out the cafeteria line...The scenery is so amazing. Your summer has been so full of adventures and special people Lorrie. Enjoy the last days of summer!

  11. I agree, Lorrie, that summer seems to passing quickly now that the intense heat and humidity we had is gone. I ahev beeen enjoying my garden and weeding out old magazines and other clutter from my house :)

    Your grand daughter is so adorable!

  12. It is so beautiful where you live and where you visit. It's making me want to live and visit there, too.

  13. Love the ferry ride and the breathtaking views. Little miss is such a cutie-pie and how wonderful that she is close for lots of visits.

  14. Such pretty scenes, Lorrie...especially Adria...she's a little doll! Don't they just brighten your world when they smile?

    Your day spent tidying up, making beds ready for the next go'round & cutting such PRETTY flowers (GORGEOUS Dahlias!) sounds like a day well spent. Perfect way to recharge your batteries, I'd say.

    I agree with you about rushing away the summer, although ours has been dreadfully hot. I get melancholy with autumn's approach because I know too well what follows. Ugh!

    Be well & rest this weekend.

  15. Glad you enjoyed your time with family! Your little niece is adorable! the flowers from your garden are gorgeous! Especially that dahlia!
    When I was a little girl, those ferries scared me... I would just scream and run for my mother when the horn blasted.

  16. It looks like you have been busy lately! To me it's a surprise that the days of Summer are fleeting when the heat and draught drone on and one here. Today is day 41 of above 100-degree day In A Row, not including the about 100 days that are not part of this streak.

    So happy you visited!

  17. Summer is slipping through our fingers - too, too fast. I can't believe that the evenings are so short and cool now. I'd have enjoyed a bit of a stretch of hot weather. I don't think we ever got above 23!

  18. Your home sounds so joyful!

  19. Ces bouquets sont vraiment très jolis. C'est vrai que l'été touche à sa fin - mais nous avons un petit sursaut ici pour le week-end, avec des températures très élevées... je suis en sueur.


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