Friday, August 05, 2011

An Evening Walk

These days are busy ones. Tim works long days and frequently brings work home in the evenings - reading that needs to be done, or catching up on emails. For me, it's study, study, study, with a little gardening and housework thrown in as I plod away on my last three courses. 

But without fail, around 8:30 or 9:00 pm, we turn off the computers and head for a walk. Lately, we've been going down to the marina, about 20 minutes away. We stand and look at the water, the mountains and anything else that happens to be in the landscape. The other day a cruise ship sailed by, en route to Alaska.

This young gull has literally bitten off more than he can chew. We watched him for the longest time as he attempted to swallow a starfish. He didn't make any headway at all, and finally, feeling sorry for the starfish, we flapped at the bird, hoping he would drop his prey. Alas, he flew off, starfish still firmly in his beak.

The marina is quiet in the evenings, masts reaching high, boats gently bobbing at their moorings.

And then, walking home, four deer crossed our path. They watched us as we watched them, and then we all continued on our way.

Where do you like to walk?


  1. We were once on a cruise ship en route to Alaska, going up the Inside passage. It was such a wonderful trip, and your photos reminded me so much of it.

  2. My son and his bride on an Alaskan cruise, maybe it was their ship.LOL. Love your dahlia pictures. Enjoy the summer heat. I could use some of cooler weather.

  3. Stunning place you live - I thought our scenery was beautiful but now I am not so sure!!

  4. Oh what a nice walk you two get to enjoy every evening. Surely, if there were a marina close to us, I'd rather go there. When we walk, it's the cemetery for us. No traffic and very quiet and mostly flat. We spent a nice hour and a half there this morning with a little bike rider.

  5. We sat in a waterside restaurant in Sidney this evening, watching the sailboats, and the ferries in the distance. Wasn't it a beautiful evening?
    I like to walk out the back gate and into the forest - it's always cool and quiet back there.

  6. What a treat to have a marina just a short walk away. And Vee, I enjoy a cemetery walk also. Surrey, where I live, is known as the City of Parks, and there are many great parks with walking trails and lakes or ponds or creeks.

  7. Hi Lorrie - I enjoyed going on your walk with you and Tim! We are surrounded by land and the countryside but have seen a baby moose with her mother standing right in the trees across the road and so our road is off limits. A bear has been spotted often close by. I need to drive 15 minutes to town to be able to walk safely and the farmer needs a new hip otherwise I'd walk with him. You must enjoy the peacefulness of the evenings!

  8. Wonderful pictures, love the gull and star fish thanks for saving him, poor thing. In ontario I can remember deer crossing sign, we don't have any large game here on the Island. It was nice to see them again.

  9. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Lovely photos. Makes me want to come and walk along the ocean again. We walk around the block. It's all housing so not nearly as scenic as what you enjoy... but we're together... and it's a good time to chat and unwind. Now that we finally have some good weather, it's even enjoyable although we're not diligent about going every night.

  10. Oh you have transported me to a cool and lovely day!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. I would love to join you on your walk. It's so beautiful.

  12. You do have the best of views for your evening walks!

  13. What a beautiful way for you both to end your busy day. How lucky to have such beauty right at your doorstep!

    Best wishes,

  14. Hi Lorie,

    I'd love to come up there and walk with you. Beautiful scenery and cooler temps for the most part.
    You are right, we do have so much to celebrate around here. Wish it were all good but it is what it is. I know God is still in control.



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