Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tides of Change

After a day at my desk, I went out around mid-afternoon to pick up a few groceries. On the way home, while sitting at a red light, I glanced over and noticed the tide was coming in, but there was still plenty of beach left.

And so, I rushed home, threw the perishables in the fridge and went to the beach. 

Late afternoon sunlight slanted across the water. A few solitary walkers and sea gulls were the only other creatures there. 

I walked, then stood for awhile in the shallow water, feeling the waves lap against my ankles. The tide encroached upon the sand, little by little. And I thought about summer's end, how I don't want it to leave, yet I know it's inevitable. 

The beach has treasures year round. A perfect mussel shell. Rocks round and smooth. The vast ocean. 

And a reminder that change is coming. 


  1. Ahhh Lorrie, I'm sure you were so glad you paused for this moment in your day.

    And we're glad too.. what lovely, lovely photos. Although I hate to have to say goodbye summer just yet.

  2. eas Lorrie..I can feel the change in the evening air..the fall of the leaves...oh no I want summer back, it was too short !!!

  3. What an example you are to me! I need to "stop and smell the beach" more often. Lovely pictures.

  4. I'm sad about that...that summer is coming to an end. But glad that you are making the most of what's left of it!

  5. I'm so glad that you stopped and savoured the moment. We all would benefit from doing that more often.

  6. I hope you get more chances to stop and smell the beach before the leaves fall. This really is such a nice time of the year. It may be goodbye summer but it's hello fall! Have a great weekend.

  7. How lovely to live near the beach. So good to take a moment to contemplate.

  8. Thanks for a brief trip to the ocean...very nice when you're sitting in hot Nebraska! But, we have cooler days ahead. The shell on the sand is just neat.

  9. Oh, I hate to see it go! What a lovely post, though, and glad you grabbed that moment to appreciate some beachtime.

  10. Lorrie, I like the isolated objects in the sand. It must be nice to live near that beach!

  11. Brilliant beautiful post. LOved the photos and the text too and how wonderful to live so near the beach you can pop home and come back before the tide has come in!

  12. How beautiful! I once lived close to the beach and would see it as I drove home.... how nice. I'm looking forward to a change of weather.... cannot wait!

  13. I loved being taken to the beach on one of the last nice days - at least today it felt as though the last of the nice days had passed. I walked at Oak Bay and the cold sea fog had rolled in. I saw more than one person in a big, bulky jacket!

  14. Since it was so delayed in coming in your corner, I hope that you have until at least the 22nd of September! ☺

    Beautiful photos...makes me want to walk along a beach somewhere.

  15. I would love to live that close to the beach...I wouldn't get my grocery shopping done though! Enjoy your holiday weekend! ♥

  16. Loved strolling the beach with you today, I practically felt the waves lapping at my feet.
    Your images are stunning, especially the mussel shell.
    Wishing you many more last days of summer.

  17. Waaaahh! It's just not fair,
    summer hardly happened to me this year!

  18. Each day the sun shines and each day without snow is a wonderful summer's day for me. you are so lucky to be able to walk those beautiful beaches year round Lorrie. there's no place I'd rather be than on the island!

  19. It's lovely to be able to say goodbye to summer in such a beautiful way.


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