Monday, August 15, 2011

Willing Hands

Front doors are like first impressions. For too long the front entrance to our home has perhaps said something different than what we'd like. This weekend we started to remedy that. Above is the color of the door BEFORE. It was dented and the reddish marks you see are fill.

And here is the AFTER - from blue to mellow gray. Now the door matches the eaves-trough. 

It's not often that you can invite guests to do yard work. But thanks to my parents, this section of the front yard (and more along the side) looks neat and tidy. Weeding, trimming, cutting and laying landscape fabric, adding bark mulch and sweeping it all clean - that's what my wonderful parents did this morning.

I'm not much of a fan of bark mulch. But in this area, it's the best solution. And it will keep the deer out of the rhododendrons - they don't eat rhodos, but they crash through the bushes looking for weeds they do eat. Oh those deer!

Max Eastman said, "A smile is the universal welcome."  We do welcome visitors here, and now I think the front yard is beginning to crack a smile.


  1. Nice parents! Nice door too.

  2. Really like the new door color!

    And your garden corner looks lovingly tended....

  3. The garden looks so groomed and as for the door, it's the small things that matter. What wonderful parents.

  4. Mom & Dad did a great job! I know they were 'paid' with some of the wonderful things you've been cooking and fixing in your kitchen.

  5. What a gift your parents gave you - it looks lovely. I like the new door colour very much!

  6. Your door looks so much better now. Do send your parents over to do my garden next!

  7. I love how bark mulch cleans up the beds! And your front door looks lovely.

  8. Everything looks so bright and pretty Lorrie!

  9. I wish my front door and my garden were that neat... things have gotten a little out of hand lately !

  10. Beautifully Done and the Acer looks good. Oh! Dear, you have deer crashing through your garden and there is no fence!


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On a Tuesday in February

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