Friday, January 16, 2009

January Pleasures

January marks the start of a new year, but it can be a quiet month. For me, it's a time of peace and of reflection, although there are plenty of things keeping me busy. But I savour quiet evenings at home with my husband, and Sunday dinners with my family while the wind blows rain drips outside. Here are a few of my January delights.

* After taking down the Christmas decor I enjoy a few days of a spare,
streamlined home. Slowly, the mantle fills and a few pretty things are
added here and there - right now three pink hyacinths are beginning to
bloom there, lined up in a row with clear glass votives between them.
What a pretty sight to see the candles flicker in the evening and
smell the hyacinths.

* One ritual I've begun that is now in its second year is that of
making a collage featuring a word, or words that I've chosen to focus
on for the year. This year my word is New, with Dwell and Trust
alongside. I did a post about that here.

* I like to spend a few hours pouring over my cookbooks and marking
new recipes to try. So far this year I've made Ile Flottante (Floating
Island) and some luscious Souffle Cakes, and a Vegetable Strudel.

* new craft projects are always a lovely way to fill January evenings.
I've begun knitting a pair of blush pink handwarmers for my daughter
in the softest yarn. One is done, the other just begun.

* planning my summer vegetable garden while sitting beside the fire is
a lovely juxtaposition of seasons

* drinking copious cups of hot tea

* going for winter walks with my husband - in the evenings after
dinner, or on the weekends out along the shore or in the woods

Be sure to visit Melissa at The Inspired Room for more ideas and links to Living Beautifully.


  1. That all sounds devine Lorrie! I should really make some plans instead of just trying to get through the winter...maybe I will start tomorrow...that couch in front of the fire and book sounds too good right now!

  2. I love the little ways you are living beautifully! I took a peek at your word collage is it stunning! I love the soft colors and textures, very soothing to look at. Have a wonderful weekend!

  3. Hi Lorrie...

    Thank-you for visiting...sorry I haven't been more lately. Have been re-arranging and re-creating my tiny little studio.

    Love your mantle...very pretty with the pink. So glad you are knitting. I so enjoy do that when I am ready for a few quiet nights.

    Your collage a couple of posts back was very lovely. An interesting concept using a word.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Hugs, Nancy

  4. Oh the scent of hyacinths filling a room mingled with the glow of the candlelight somehow just makes things right. This is a beautiful picture, and I loved reading about your various projects. And with the Canada cold making its way south to where I am, I have joined you in the "copious cups of hot tea." It was 12 last night and will be 17 tonight. Brrr. A hot cuppa Lady Gray certainly does make it better.


  5. Thank you for your visit and for your sweet comment, I hope you have a lovely Saturday!

  6. Hi . just letting you know that I've tagged you for a bloggers award . It means that I like your blog alot and I've linked it so others can take a look at it . There are some things you need to do , so chech my blog for it


  7. Hello Lorrie
    I have really enjoyed your blog. Your ideas are very inspirational and I love your mantle! Thank you also for the recipes I will be trying a couple soon!
    Best wishes

  8. The hyacinths are lovely and encourages me that there may be hope for an ameryllis I am trying to coaxe into bloom.

    I am with you on the copious quantity of hot tea! Especially THIS January!

    Have a BEAUTIFUL day. :)


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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