Friday, January 09, 2009

Winter softness

My latest knitting project - a pair of Pretty Lace Handwarmers from the Purlbee. I'm using a soft pink yarn that is lovely to touch.
There are many beautiful projects on the Purlbee site. Go on over and take a look. You'll be inspired.


  1. Lorrie these are so pretty, I'm going to try making a pair..
    From what I hear you need a BODY WARMER!!!! in BC..... More snow than ever!!!!!! I guess by now it is raining it all away.... Hope you are high and dry;-}
    Love the Purlbee site.... I subscribed to it... so much info there... Thanks for the inspiration

  2. Lorrie...
    I started to make these and I don't know what Ssk means.... There were no abbreviations listed???? Help?!?!?!?

  3. Hi Lorrie,

    Those are going to be stunning...will you share photo's of the finished product...may need to have a pair of these...I don't knit but I can crochet..have you seen something like this for crocheting?

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  4. We can't get along without them in here .

  5. oh so very pretty AND useful :)
    I do not know how to knit. Way to confusing for me. Maybe I can learn to crochet for your knitting project is so beautiful and encouraging.


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