Wednesday, June 15, 2011

J'ai descendu dans mon jardin - I went down to my garden

... and found the first rose
This is a climbing variety, still in a pot since I've not finished digging all the beds.
But, oh, how wonderful to see it.



tomatoes mingling with daisies,

chamomile blooming in a pot, 

and the promise of more roses. 

Around February, I suggested to my husband that we put up a fence BEFORE finishing the kitchen renovation. I'm sure he thought he was hearing things. 

We went ahead with the fence and I'm so glad we did. We now have a private yard and a garden safe from the marauding deer. In fact, we rarely see signs of deer anymore whereas before they used our front lawn as their bathroom stop. Even though the front is still open, they don't come through often.

My vegetable garden is not organized in neat rows or squares. I've usurped the flower beds and have planted a few lettuces in a border, beanpoles among the escallonia, tomatoes alongside daisies - wherever I could find some space. Maybe next year we'll put in proper beds. For now, I'm just glad to be able to potter about my yard.

The kitchen reno is nearly completion as well, and then we'll be free to enjoy our yard to the full!


  1. Doesn't that throw men for a loop? To suggest delaying on one project to do another, more pressing one? I just had another suggestion for John and he really didn't take to it kindly.

    Glad that you have your yard without fear of the animals getting in and wrecking your flowers and veggies. Good call, if I do say so myself. Probably your hubby didn't realize how long it was going to take him to finish the kitchen project. Bless his heart. :D

    Do you harvest the chamomile?

  2. Roses smell so pretty! I am glad we are, for the most part, done the kitchen reno. We are enjoying our yard as well,,,,but it is still a little cool out our way. Can't wait to see your kitchen photos. I have a post almost ready to go with our before and after....have a great day! The Canucks are not doing very well right about now....

  3. I'm very happy for you! The fence makes all the difference to the enjoyment of the garden. The deer can have all of the forest and the fields - just leave us a little bit to garden!

  4. I would like a fence just for a bit of privacy. I would like to keep out some "dear" neighbors!

  5. I'm hoping we don't have the possum family again this year. Just finished building a raised bed with adequate rabbit fencing... but last year we had a possum family and some pretty creative birds adding to our issues. We'll see how long before I do an additional creation to fend them off.

  6. Lovely rose.
    We dont have deer wandering here, but our fences keep out local dogs.

  7. Quel bonheur de voir tout ce qui pousse dans le jardin ! Le mien recommence à ressembler à une jungle... Les roses sont déjà en train de faner, il faut les couper, et redonner un peu d'engrais pour le deuxième tour.
    C'est une bonne idée de mélanger les légumes avec les fleurs, cette année j'ai aussi planté des tomates où il y avait de la place.

  8. Sounds like my kind of plantings...

    Blessings, Debbie

  9. So glad you found a way to keep the deer at bay!

    I brought in my first roses yesterday...some for the table and some to brighten up the kitchen. Beautiful blooms!

  10. lovely roses..I love the ones with scent..yummy lettuce...enjoy your garden time..

  11. You are a real gardener, Lorrie!
    What else can I say!


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