Thursday, June 09, 2011

Playing Tourist

There was a boat show in Nanaimo last weekend. I wasn't too interested, but Tim was. So we went in to town together and while he poked about boats, 
I wandered through the streets of Nanaimo, a city I've never explored at all.

The building above is the Bastion - built by the Hudson Bay Trading Company in 1853. Built as a defensive structure and never used as such, it's played many roles over the years - general store, jailhouse, museum, arsenal, and club house.

Currently a museum, it pays tribute to those first Europeans who came to the area. I can imagine a woman carefully packing this trunk, choosing which of her treasured possessions to take far away from England. The first pioneers took a 6-month ocean journey around Cape Horn to arrive here. 

It's fascinating to think of the people who have sipped tea from these cups. I'm sure these pretty things were well cared-for by their owner.

Not too far away stands this modern version of the Bastion - the sea plane terminal in Nanaimo Harbour. People still come and go from here, in faster, more comfortable travel modes. But people, in general haven't changed much in 150 years. Women still like pretty dishes and sharing cups of tea with friends. 


  1. I like to wander along the Nanaimo waterfront in early morning when I'm there for work. It is truly a beautiful spot.

  2. Looks like my kind of adventure. Love the trunk!

  3. Anonymous4:25 AM

    I haven't been inside the Bastion, maybe one day. They sure did a nice job restoring it though, didn't they?

  4. It's amazing to me to think of those who traveled around the tip of South America to get to the amazing and dangerous journey! My corner is known for its sea captains and great sailing vessels. It is fun to think that many were more traveled in the 1800s than we are today in the 21st Century. Glad that you know how to find those things that interest you while Tim is looking at something else entirely. I never dare to do that, though I wish I did.

  5. Lori how fascinating! I love to think of such things, the feelings of crossings with few belonging to start a life in an unknown place.

    Don't miss my Exciting Giveaway last day to enter!

    Art by Karena

  6. And men still like boats...and planes...and things that go!

    Nanaimo looks like a fun place to play tourist.

  7. What a wonderful way to spend a day!

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. I'm always amazed at how much and how little people have changed over the years...this looks like a beautiful place to visit!

  9. The hardships endured in making the journey it is amazing that things like cups survived.

  10. I love museums like this!

  11. Hi! Sounds like you had an interesting day in Nanaimo, it is fun to play tourist in your own backyard. I have a cousin that lives in Nanaimo. We stopped to visit them probably about 4years ago now. It was fun exploring along the seashore with them. Love the old trunk and your thoughts about the woman of the house who carefully packed it,,,heading to a new life and all that was in store. Thanks for sharing!!


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