Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Step by Step

"What saves a man is to take a step. Then another one."
C.S. Lewis

"Do the next thing." 
from an Anglo Saxon poem

There is a path ahead, but I can't see it clearly. Instead, all that's given to me is the next step. Then the next one. And little by little, each step makes up a life.

The next step is another essay. Word by word. Step by step. With some breaks here and there to enjoy the beach, read a few blogs, cook something delicious.


  1. when you reduce taking life one day at a time, you get to the steps which make the day. Nice post!

  2. Great post... perfect photo to match!

    LIKE that quote 'Do the next thing'!

  3. I usually get in the most trouble when I try to get ahead of myself...rush things...get in a hurry! Learning to slow down, taking things as they come, waiting on God....hard to do sometimes, but always worth the effort!

  4. Great reminder...that we can only take one step at a time.

    All the best with your 'next steps'!

  5. It is the way to live. What a great photo you have to complement your essay. Are you writing an essay about this very thing or just a generic old essay. I'd love to read more about what you might say concerning taking the next step.

  6. Thanks for sharing such a gorgeous picture to go with those words of wisdom. Definitely words to live by.

  7. Always think of Elisabeth Elliot when I hear that.

    I had the privilege of hearing her speak several years ago, and when asked about how she got thru her heartaches (losing two husbands, etc.) ~ she said, "put one foot in front of the other and do the next thing."

    Made an indelible impression ~ refer to it often.

    Blessings as you do the next thing,


  8. My husband and I say "do the next thing" so often. He found those words from I believe Elizabeth Eliot and I suppose she got them from someplace else. Such as it goes, but I'm pretty sure they were initially inspired from above :)


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