Friday, June 10, 2011

Smores Cookies

I found these delectable looking treats via Pinterest. Yes, yet another computer time gobbler. However, in the end, if I discipline myself well, it just might save me time. 

I tend to bookmark all kinds of things, but rarely take the time to organize them. And then looking over my bookmarks, I sometimes forget what I bookmarked them for. With Pinterest, it's easy to categorize the things that catch my eye. And since I'm such a visual person, using pictures instantly reminds me why I wanted to remember that particular site. 

Anyway ... I found these treats. So I made them today. They are good. Not spectacular, but good. Cookies with marshmallows and chocolate chips on graham wafers topped by chocolate. Not much can go wrong with that. And I like the hint of cinnamon in the recipe. It adds another layer of flavour. These were easy to make. 

edited to add: I think I'll upgrade this recipe to very good judging by the reactions from others who have tried them. I guess I'm not the best judge of cookies since I'd rather have a handful of potato chips!

Smores Cookies - found here originally (recipe slightly adapted)

3/4 cup butter, softened
1 cup brown sugar, packed
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
1 cup miniature marshmallows
3 Hershey Bars, cut into pieces (I used dark chocolate - there are 16 rectangles in each bar)
48 graham wafer squares

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Line baking pans with parchment paper. I used two cookie sheets (ones with sides). Lay out graham wafer squares side by side - they should be touching. Set aside.

Cream butter with sugar, add the eggs and vanilla. Mix well. 

Combine the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Add this mixture to the creamed mixture, combining well. Stir in the marshmallows and chocolate chips.

Place 1 to 1 1/2tablespoon of dough onto each graham wafer square. Press down slightly with fingertips. Bake for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and press one rectangle of chocolate onto each square. Bake an additional 5-7 minutes or until dough is beginning to turn golden. Cool, then break apart, cutting if necessary. 


  1. Sometimes it's just fun to make a 'good-enough' cookie that gets gobbled up because it's hot and gooey and yummy.
    I'll have to investigate pinterest.

  2. They look yummy and I'm sure wouldn't last 5 minutes in this house!
    Bon weekend.

  3. Bookmarks and sorting - a nightmare sometime.

    Interesting smores. When at camp in North Caroline we made them differently. Graham Crackers, marshmallows melted and holding them together and Oreos. The children made them and loved them.

  4. Pinterest allows you to organize things? As if I need another thing to distract me...but still...

    Those cookies sound good...

  5. I need to lose weight, but this drew my attention. Maybe on my bad days...


  6. I think my Grands would love these!

  7. So simple but they look like they taste delicious.

  8. Oh...I can think of a few grands that would polish these off in no time! They look yummy.

  9. Ils ont l'air délicieux, mais comme ça fait une semaine que je fais des brownies pour les différentes fêtes de fin d'année, je dirais qu'il y a trop de chocolat ! (je commence à en être dégoûtée - mais pas de panique, ça ne durera pas longtemps !)
    Par contre, les marshmallows... ça, ça m'inspire !


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