Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Little Things

Yesterday,  my husband walked in the house after work bearing two branches of beautiful, fragrant lilacs. He knows how much I love the flowers and gathered these blossoms from a bush on his work property.

I've never seen lilacs like these before - with each petal edged in white. Some sort of hybrid, maybe? Their delicious scent wafts through the house like a sweet cloud.

And ... two beautifully scented bookmarks arrived from Brenda at It's a Beautiful Life. I always have a number of books on the go, and I'm really trying to use bookmarks instead of ... ahem ... turning down the corners. I finished Thackeray's Vanity Fair yesterday, and am beginning Dickens' Bleak House

Little things - lilacs, bookmarks - but both immensely thoughtful gestures that serve to remind me that it's the little things that combine, in layers, to create love and community.

What are the little things that mean a lot in your life?


  1. a humming bird resting on the clothes line

  2. Ooh, I love the classics and lilacs!!
    My shelves are full of the first and my backyard boats 6 lilac bushes (all planted in the years before I moved here)!

    I have to say that I have never read Bleak House of Vanity Fair... :)

    Blessings, Debbie

  3. Those are unusual lilacs unlike any I've seen...very lovely. And I know the bookmarks are lovely and sweetly scented. Hmmmm...

  4. Hey I'm reading Bleak House too. Lilacs are one of my favorites, we had one outside the kitchen door when I was a kid and have always enjoyed their scent. Enjoy your day.

  5. Lilacs are over now, but they are one of my favourite shrubs. That is certainly a most unusual one.

  6. I like getting mail and more recently feeling baby T-rex move around :)

    Unfortunately, like my mom I can't stand the smell of lilacs. They are pretty though. I can't wait for my hydrangea to bloom. I hope it does even though its in a pot this year.

  7. Great gifts...a little thing today was that my 11 y/o came out to my tank garden to look around and then my 19 y/o asked to go look at it with me. Really I asked? Neither care about junk or gardening or heat. Made me kinda happy. :)

  8. A phone call, a friend's name in my email inbox with a personal note (not a forward!),a comment on my blog! :-) The flowers are lovely and scented bookmarks...I've never seen those. That IS special!

  9. Those lilacs are the most beautiful I've ever seen. Wow! Ours are just starting to bloom in Calgary.

    xo Terri

  10. Beautiful lilacs. Today I walked past a bush and was instantly enveloped in the most beautiful perfumed air.
    It's the little things - like a text from my husband as I go about my workday.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I read Vanity Fayre for the first time last year and loved it.

  13. Even more lovely than the lilacs is a man who takes time to pick them because he knows his wife loves them.

    That is truly beautiful.

  14. I love the idea of scented bookmarks. My preferred method is to just flop the book down, open so it ruins the spine. Must stop doing that...


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