Thursday, June 02, 2011

Making a Summer Checklist

Today, Rebecca Sower posted her Summer Checklist, which inspired me to make one of my own. It hardly feels like summer yet, with rain and cloudy skies dominating the landscape. However, the temperatures are warming ever so slowly, and we are being promised sunshine and warmth for the weekend. We'll see.

In good faith, here is my Summer Checklist:

wade in the ocean
read outdoors while sipping something cool
make homemade jam
go camping
pick blueberries/raspberries/strawberries
visit the farmer's market regularly
make (and eat) fruity popsicles
breakfast on the beach
make pesto with basil
eat outdoors as much as possible
sew a summer dress, or two
eat a warm tomato off the vine
blow bubbles on the lawn
finish my degree

These photos are both from two summers ago - before we moved. I'm hoping to get a few roses this year, here, but the bushes are brand new. Likewise with the hydrangeas. 

So, what's on YOUR summer checklist?


  1. That is a great summer check list!! and I wish I could grow hydrangeas here!! It is a rainy night at That Country Place ... glad I don't have to water the flowers I planted,,,but I do hope the sun shines tomorrow :)

  2. Lovely list, especially the bubble blowing!

  3. I have a short two-week list as we scramble to get a lot done. My whip has been cracking and my hubby feels pressured. So do I. Maybe I could lighten up just a bit.

    My summer list is something that I want to do for the sake of focus. I'd really like not to wake up at the end of September asking myself where summer went. Thanks for the idea!

  4. Great list. Great idea. Now if only summer would come!

  5. Lists are a great way to create and maintain focus . . . I definitely am more productive with a list and tend to feel satisfaction as things are accomplished. Although occasionally summer days are most enjoyable unscripted.

  6. Lovely list! I felt delighted that I could already tick off a few of yours, but now I have to think about mine! I enjoyed your link to the original post too - thanks.

    I do intend to go blueberry picking tomorow - we have a local farm and I have NEVER made their open weekend - this year I intend it to be different.

  7. Wonderful list, I had better get started on mine in the event you come to visit. Wishing summer would get here soon, it can never come too fast for me. We have had rainy wet, cool, windy days and evenings. I put the swing out two weeks ago and I have taken the seat cover out only 3 times.

    Your last years pictures are something encouraging for sure, lovely

  8. like your list..will be thinking of mine hmmmm..thanks

  9. Hi Lorrie,

    Loving your list. I think I need to make one.

    It has been so long since I have visited blogs and it feels great. I think I need to put that at the top of my list.

    big hugs,

  10. You'll have all of us making delightful lists.
    I believe that summer has arrived here at last !

  11. Maybe I could just use your list!

  12. The heat has been oppressive here in the South now for over two weeks with no relief (or rain) in sight....yikes ~ it REALLY HINDERS being able to enjoy traditional outside summer activities (even sitting on the porch in the humid, the sweat just pours off).

    Anyway, an unusual summer for me ~ helping my parents (85 & 90) move, spend every minute I can with my daughter whom I haven't seen for a year until she goes back overseas for another year. Also, my workaholic, Triple AAA personality husband is retiring after 40 years with the same company.

    Your list is LOVELY ~ enjoy and CONGRATS on finishing your degree ~ that is QUITE a SPECTACULAR accomplishment!!!

  13. So excited to just think about what I can put on my list!! What a fun thought and making a list is perfect. With our near 100 degree temperatures that show no end in sight, whatever I put on my list will be close to the air conditioning!

  14. What a lovely list!


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