Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sunday Road Trip

Under blue and sunny skies Tim and I drove down to Maple Bay where we met friends from Victoria for a stroll through the marina and lunch. 

The center photo is of a street of float houses - houses built to stay on the water. Of course, there's no yard to maintain, but most of the homes had decks with pots of flowers and herbs. The marina is a busy one with boats coming and going. Looking at where the moored boats are registered is like a mini geography lesson - Alberta, Nunavat, Washington, Arizona, and more. Tall masts reach to the sky as the boats bob gently at their moorings. The blue heron took care to stay just ahead of us, but he didn't seem too concerned otherwise.

Lunch at the marina? Fish, of course:  panko-crumb battered cod, tartar sauce, coleslaw, and green salad. And just a few french fries from Tim's plate. 

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted once again by Mary.


  1. Looks like a fun outing in a beautiful spot. I won't tell about the french fries!!!!! :D :D Have a great week.

  2. What a lovely way to spend a Sunday. I have a friend who lives in a float home in Genoa Bay. It's not a life I'd choose - I'm far too messy!

  3. What a perfectly lovely way to spend a day. Love the deep red of the float home and the blue of water and sky. It looks like a cozy arrangement; I'd like to try it.

  4. Wonderful place and what a great place to have cod!

  5. Fabulous mosaic, love the centre picture of the boats along the street. Fish and chips for a meal, yum, yum.

  6. I wish I had this daytrip too!
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I have been stalking a heron for weeks!! and I never did get a very good shot of him! He is on the dam that I pass going into town...and here you are with one almost posing for a photo op!! Glad you had a nice week end,,,,we have had rain "again" . Oh well, atleast I don't have to worry about watering this big yard! Have a great week Lorrie!

  8. What a super Sunday outing.
    Fish & chips too, perfect!

  9. It looks like you found the perfect spot for a Sunday outing. I'm smiling about the 'just a few french fries from Tim's plate'! I did the same thing yesterday...just borrowed a few from hubby's plate.

  10. I so love being by the sea! Looks like a lovely place to wander a while and take pictures, too.

  11. Hi Lorrie, I have to ask...that float that the type of thing that Tom Hanks lived Sleepless in Seattle? I thought it looked pretty groovy and very unusual. Robx

  12. A heron close enough to touch? Almost?

    Sounds like you had a lovely day out. I do miss the sea. Pretty English hills and fields are all very well, but I like a bit of drama.

  13. There is a marinia near me that has house boats. I've often wondered how it would feel to live in one?

    I love cod prepared this way is so delicious!


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