Saturday, September 24, 2011

A New Season

Last night I cooked a special dinner.

It was a mini-Thanksgiving. (Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks - so I'm not all THAT early.)

I made stuffed turkey breast, roasted sweet potatoes, quinoa pilaf, cranberry sauce, and apple pie. For just four of us.

This morning we said our good-byes - Ashley and Owen are off to Europe for a year. With their backpacks and computers. No, they are not flying as dressed above. After leaving our home, they drove to a wedding on Thetis Island. Tonight they will be at Owen's parents' place in Victoria, and tomorrow they'll take the 7 am ferry to Vancouver and catch a plane to Munich. 

It's exciting and we wish them all the best. I'm so glad for Skype and email - nothing like that was available when we left for Ecuador 30 years ago.

But my heart hurts. After we watched the car disappear into the distance and we walked back into the house, Tim and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes. Tim suggested a walk on the beach. It was the perfect thing to do. As if echoing our hearts, the beach was misty, water hidden by thick fog. Yet, by the time we left, the fog was lifting and there was a patch of blue sky. Nature provides such wonderful solace. 

God be with you both, Owen and Ashley.


  1. That mini turkey meal looks absolutely scrumptious!

    A year is a long time... as you say aren't we blessed to have Skype and e-mails.

    Your ocean photo is amazing. Glad you found that patch of blue for solace.

    I like that word solace....

  2. The scent of your emotions can be felt in your writing, but that turkey, that's the winner of my heart today :-)

  3. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done when we said Goodbye to our daughter as she set off alone for Australia for a year. Now 18 months have passed and her visa extended she is there for another 6 months before going to South America on her way home so I do know how you feel but as long as we know they are OK then we can and must cope without them mustn't we?! It is good that our offspring feel confident enough to fly the nest and set off on their own like this and I am sure they will have a wonderful time and come back more mature and knowledgeable about other people and their ways of life. My thoughts are with you as you come to terms with the fact that you won't see them for a while.

  4. You are such a good mama to provide a taste of home before they strike off. They'll enjoy the memory of that meal through the year. Their excitement level must be to the moon and oh the things that they will see and do. What a great time for them! Sending you a hug and a picnic basket filled with delicious things for this afternoon's walk along the shore.

  5. I think the hardest thing as a parent is to give a child wings then remain behind in the nest as they fly off. I will be keeping you and yours in prayer.

  6. I know that many hearts ache in sympathy for yours. One of the tests of parenthood is the letting go with a smile and a cheery wave - they couldn't go off with such confidence without the gifts of love, self-discipline, faith except for your loving parenting.
    Yes, thank goodness for Skype!

  7. Hi Lorrie,
    I am sure the memory of this special dinner will return to them again and again. Across the country or around the world, it is not an easy thing to let them go. So thankful that God does indeed provide solace and means of staying in touch. Your photos are beautiful. (I heartily agree with what Pet said about the "scent of your emotions")

  8. What an adventure lies ahead of them! I am getting used to my boys spreading their wings, but it is hard to watch them when there is a bump in the road,or they feel lonely, but I am confident that God will watch over them. Have a great day.

  9. Oh, ça me rappelle mon départ pour la Hongrie. Avant de partir, ma cousine m'avait emmené dans un restaurant typiquement alsacien dans un quartier de Strasbourg en bord de forêt (il s'appelait "Le coucou des bois") pour une dernière tarte flambée (je partais pour un an, pensai-je... j'y suis restée 2 ans en fait). Puis elle m'a amenée à la gare...
    Bon voyage à eux, c'est vrai que les voyages forment la jeunesse, ils vont vivre une année exceptionnelle dont ils se souviendront toute leur vie.

  10. Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling sad. A year can seem a loooong time, can't it? I love going for long walks when I feel melancholy. The air always seems to do something magical to me.


  11. I know you'll miss them greatly. A year is a long time! But they will return after a grand adventure... the better for it. I know you will use this year wisely.... love that your so close to the beach!!!

  12. That stuffed turkey breast looks beautiful! I stuffed a pork roast over the weekend. It was my first time butterflying a pork loin (or any kind of meat for that matter), not to mention stuffing it and rolling it. It's work, but what satisfaction to have done it, as you well know. You did a fabulous job!

  13. I'm feeling your pain...just a little. May God be their Protector and Guide on their travels.

    What a fantastic looking pre-Thanksgiving dinner!

  14. Oh! Lorrie I feel for you I know that is hard.

    So right, even 20 years ago (can't be that long!!!!)when my daughter was away at university and travelling abroad there was no such thing as E-mail and Skype.


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