Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Of Rocks and Patterns

In the past two weeks I've finished two more courses. I have one left to complete my B.A. in French. And that course is more than half done. Change is in the wind. I feel uncertain. What's next? 

The routine of solitary study, of reading and essays is about to end. It's taken me a little longer than the three years I'd planned - by just a few months. I lost some time in this past tumultuous 18 months - family issues, moving, a wedding, and more. But I always returned to my desk and my computer, to a well-established routine.

Like the beach rocks in the photo, tumbled by the waves, life has a way of shaping human character. Rough and tumble, at times uncomfortable, but always with the hope of smoothing those sharp edges while preserving the essence of being. At least, I hope so. I don't know what beach, figuratively speaking, I'll be washing up on next.  


  1. Such an exciting time for you. The Lord has something in mind for you. Of that, I am certain. Wonder what it'll be...

  2. Thanks for sharing your uncertainties here and trusting God to lead you step by step to your next "beach".

  3. Wherever you end up, I know that you will be an asset - bringing order and grace and beauty to whatever/wherever.

  4. Beautiful stone collection! It looks like we love the same.....
    Having a small collection, collected a few years ago at the beach of the Atlantic.
    Greetings from PĂ©rigord,

  5. Lovely sentiments about life smoothing us like pebbles. Hope that wherever your life leads you will be agood place for you to be. Love the photo too.

  6. Congratulations Lorrie. You are an inspiration to many.

  7. I am so impressed when I read about your studies. They have surely set in in good stead for whatever happens next... and I love those pebbles!

  8. Thanks for the visit to my blog. I gave a quick look to yours and wished I had a blackberry patch and lived by such beautiful scenery. lovely. TTFN

  9. Lorrie, you are to be congratulated on pursuing your degree and being disciplined enough to complete all but one course in three years. That's a wonderful accomplishment! I'm looking forward to seeing your picture in your grad cap and gown or perhaps
    even to snapping your picture as you accept your degree.

  10. LIFE, such a good description.


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