Sunday, September 04, 2011

Late Summer Garden

Sunny days combined with cooler nights mean sweet juicy tomatoes. We're enjoying them a variety of ways, but they are best sliced, on fresh bread, with a little pesto and fresh mozzarella cheese.

The garden delights with flowers, too - fragrant heliotrope, roses, yellow callas, and succulents. Ah, September - summer's last effort.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary at the Little Red House.


  1. Your tomatoes look so yummy, Lorrie . . . my "beefsteaks" were mislabled . . . turned out to be cherry tomatoes. Beautiful mosaic!

  2. Beautiful collection of images.

  3. Ah, tomatoes! I have just been in the greenhouse picking a range, from big Marmande down to baby cherries. It is such a wonderful time in the garden.

  4. Your mosaic is so colourful Lorrie. There is nothing better than fresh from the garden tomatoes. The last days of summer are fleeting but lovely aren't they?

  5. I didn't know callas would come this late..what a treat, all of it!

  6. Our callas may not bloom at all this year - we're that much behind.
    Your late summer garden is gorgeous!

  7. Nice mosaic! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful week,

  8. Hi, Lorrie
    I just mentioned you on my blog for a Liebster Blog Award. Do not feel you need to participate, but I wanted you to know. :)


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