Thursday, September 29, 2011

Seizing the Day

Tis the season for apples. Via Pinterest I found this recipe for an Apple Upside-Down Cake. I made it last night for dinner, and took a picture, using a flash, which means it's not the greatest photo. The cake was good, not spectacular, but good, slightly spicy, juicy with apples. The sauce definitely made it. Here's a link to the King Arthur Flour site where the recipe originated.

I recently won a giveaway at the Hostess of the Humble Bungalow. It arrived yesterday, prettily packaged and accompanied by a lovely card.

As I contemplate going back to work, this book will definitely be useful. Time to ditch my usual uniform of jeans/cords plus knit top plus sweater/vest. Thank you, Hostess!

As I turned on my computer this morning, I glanced out the window and saw the lovely play of morning light on the Virginia Creeper outside my window. I enjoyed it for a few seconds, then sat down and looked at the screen.

The colours, shadows and textures drew me back, so I seized my camera and went outside (brrr) so that I could share this beauty with you. 

What's beautiful in your world today?


  1. Love that Virginia Creeper in fall! I pinned that same recipe at Pinterest...but haven't given it a trial run yet. Looks yummy!

  2. I'm still resisting pinterest, but when bloggers like you and Judy refer to it, I find it increasingly more difficult to stay away.
    What's beautiful in my world? Well, I'm in Vancouver today, and about to step out to the Art Gallery, so I know I'm going to see lots of beautiful works.

  3. I've checked on the King Arthur Flour site and I must say that the cake looks irresistible !
    Thanks for the tip.

  4. Apples, book, and autumn have seized the day all right!

  5. Only the rain and no electricity for most of the day. I far prefer your apple cake upside down or rightside up makes no difference to me and the lovely red leaves.

    (I have a theory about trying all the new recipes I find in Blogdom. If they don't pass muster, if they are not top notch or out of this world, I just tear them up and to the circular file they go. All recipes get a rating system, but the less than wonderful are not to be messed with again. I feel the same way about a mediocre book. There are too many wonderful books in this world to mess with an average one.)

  6. I like the colors of your Virginia Creeper ..very autumn like.
    Apple cake is also perfect for autumn...I'm sure this one taste delcious.

  7. Hello Lorrie - I love the photos of the Virginia Creeper. Best of luck in your job search. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Wish we had those colors here, just a little bit of green and a lot of brown! And still hot!

    Love the thankfulness rocks!

  9. Yummy, yummy. I have been making Belgium Apple Cake.


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