Friday, September 09, 2011

Gladiolus for a Pink Saturday

Gladiolas remind me of my childhood. My mother grew them in the front and along the side of our house. Standing tall, they symbolize sincerity and strength of character.

A few weekends ago when we babysat our granddaughter overnight, her parents gave us these gladiolas. They were tight buds but opened up beautifully. 

Actually, I would have given THEM flowers for the privilege of looking after the little one, herself a bundle of pink sweetness.

Linking to Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.


  1. Becoming a grandmother is one of life's loveliest gifts. I know you enjoy your little one so much and treasure the times with her. She, in turn, is memorizing your face and your voice and you'll forever be a part of her best memories.

  2. You're obviously a great catch as babysitters go and worth your weight in glads!

  3. Wonderful to have flowers that remind you of your mom. I do too, Mom's favourite was dahlia's but she also liked hollyhocks and cosmos. And all of these come in lovely shades of pink.

  4. Oh, they are mom used to grow glads years ago on the farm where we lived. They were always such a delight to clip and bouquet them in some tall vase.

    Thanks for sharing yours!

  5. Flowers and the little girl! I can imagine the treat, better than a night at the opera :-)

  6. They bring back special memories for me, too. What a sweet gesture on your daughter-in-law's part.

  7. Beautiful glad's...and a lovely reminder of your sweet time with your grand!

  8. Yes what a privilege it is. Would never have dreamed of the love and excitement that accompanies caring for these little ones.


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