Sunday, November 06, 2011

Things that Belong Together

Birthday celebrations continued this weekend with a combined event for our eldest daughter, our daughter-in-law and me. All of our birthdays fall within 16 days. The family came up for the weekend and we had a house party. The highlight was a dinner cooked by the menfolk - a delicious dinner beginning with French Onion Soup, followed by Chicken Kiev, Scalloped Potatoes, Swiss Chard and Coleslaw, and a grand finale of Raspberry Chocolate Cake. 

This afternoon we went for a walk - much needed after all the feasting. A cold breeze off the water made us glad for gloves. Golden leaves danced in the light. Ducks waddled beside a pond and a golfer's brilliant green pants caused us to chuckle.

If you look at the mosaic you'll see a photo of something that just doesn't fit. Yes, it's the palm tree. Incongruous, I think. But many people here on Vancouver Island take pride in the fact that certain palms grow here and survive our mild winters. For me, they just don't quite fit with the landscape. I'd rather, like Cristal, throw crisp fall leaves in the air and watch them tumble down around me. 

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted once again by Mary at the Little Red House.


  1. Now, that is what I call a fabulous feast! Great way to celebrate. What nice photographs!! Thanks for sharing. That palm, is unusual with all the other photographs, for sure! I do like them though.

    Have a great night.


  2. I agree with the fall colors. My birthdays the 5th, when is yours? I have had a good week end as well and definitely ate too much!!

  3. Such beautiful photographs of trees dancing in the sun. Happy birthday to you!

  4. What a fabulous celebration of fall! Hope your birthday was a happy one! xoxo

  5. Happy Birthday to all of you! My tummy is growling after reading about your feast! Lovely fall images. Happy Mosaic Monday!

  6. Happy Birthday to all!! And I like your photos here. Happy Monday!

    Mosaic Monday

  7. What a great way to celebrate...chicken kiev and cake...wonderful!

  8. A beautiful mosaic!

    Now that dinner was a feast -- and cooked by the menfolk too!

    Wishing you the BEST week ahead....

  9. Great colours! I love this so much.
    Have a wonderful week,

  10. Happy Birthday wishes all around!
    I agree with you about the palm trees - they are just a little incongruous!

  11. I agree...the palm tree just doesn't quite fit into the autumn scene. It sounds like you had a fabulous weekend. Happy birthday to you!

  12. What a dinner, and then what a wonderful place for a walk!

  13. It sounds as though your menfolk are really good cooks.
    Happy birthdays to all.

  14. Sounds like a great birthday meal for the girls to enjoy, what I'd like to know is where's the photo of the golfer in green pants?

  15. Wow! Those guys did all right! Happy birthday to all you birthday gals. Lovely mosaic and my favorite pic is of the Autumn gal.

  16. Happy Birthday Lorrie!

    Lovely photos!


  17. Happy Birthday whenever it is/was!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time...I love family time like that with my grown, married children! I'm not a real palm tree fan either...but we have quite a few here on the Gulf of Mexico!!!

  18. Oh I cannot get over the images of the leaves. Dinner sounded delicious.

    Thank you for your sweet thoughts and prayers dear friend.

  19. Happy birthday to you and yours, Lorrie!

    I love all those bright yellow leaves in your mosaic. They look so cheerful!

  20. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday dear Lorrie,
    Happy Birthday to you.......and yours!

  21. Lorrie! Your mosaic fills me with joy! Happy birthday to all the ladies! Your food sounds delicious!!

  22. Looks like you had a fabulous birthday celebration...beautiful weather. All of the color of autumn just added to the experience. Loved seeing the photos. genie

  23. What a fun mosaic! Love the birthday fun you've had and it looks like the sun was shining for the weekend! I would never guess that a palm tree could grow that far north! Amazing! ♥

  24. I think this has been one of the most colorful autumns I have seen in a while. I just had to stroll around my yard once again today and take more photos. I even took some from inside because the view was so pretty.

    Your mosaic is beautiful. Love the photo tossing the leaves. The excitement of a child is still in us an we play in the leaves :)

    Happy Birthday wishes!

  25. Again a stunning picture. With Alan's birthday on the 8th and mine on the 4th we could haVE joined you.
    Happy belated Birthday wishes Lorrie.


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