Thursday, March 06, 2014

A Quieter Week

This week, with Tim off work, has been a bit slower than normal, in a very good way. We've had time to talk about things and process life together. I've heard some people say that husbands and wives can't be best friends, but I differ with that. Tim is indeed my very best friend, the one with whom I share most deeply. 

It was only a matter of time before the hexies got to me. I've been inspired by beautiful hexagon patchwork done by Mia, here, and by Vicki, here. Making hexies is proving to be a great project to keep my hands busy while watching television.

These hexagons are 2 inches across. I'm using scraps of fabrics, linens and Tim's shirts. He has a lot of blue shirts and they wear out along the collar or cuffs. The body of the shirt and the sleeves are perfectly fine. I have just over 100 hexies done now, and probably need about 800 or 900 for a full-size quilt.

Little Miss S was over the other day and wore a hat for much of her play time. When she arrives she sets up a little chair in the living room, with a small stool in front of it and that's where she likes her snack. (Cheerios) I tried to convince her to move her set up so that the light through the window wouldn't do what you see above. No luck. She has a mind of her own in spite of her questioning pose.

How is your week going? Busy? Slow? Just right?  


  1. Anonymous12:27 PM

    She is adorable and I love her hat!
    The hexies are very pretty. A perfect project while watching tv.
    We've had a slow week and have been under the weather. Glad to be feeling better today.

  2. You have some serious patience to make that many hexis, sheesh! Good for you! My husband is my best friend too.. :) (She's so cute!)

  3. To have a best friend in one's husband is such a wonderful thing.

  4. I've just taught my last class of the week and am taking pre-emptive, prophylactic action (sleep!) against the cold that's knock-knock-knocking at my door. Love your hexies and can't wait to see them grow into a quilt or a pillow case. And your little one is very dear! I'm also lucky to have a good friend in my husband. ..

  5. 100 out of 800 hexagons. That's a lot of work to do yet. I think it will be worth it though and look beautiful when it's all sewn together. Is Miss S about 3? I have a Mr. E that has a mind of his own too, and he lets you know. :) They are so cute and smart aren't they? Did you do the painting of the bird in the first photo? It's really sweet, Lorrie. It's been a quiet week for me except today when I had a hair and a dentist appointment and errands and groceries. A long day.

  6. My husband is my best friend also. We've been through so much together.
    800 hexagons.......You have my full admiration, Lorrie!

  7. Little Miss S strikes a great pose here! Love it. really are using your down time well sewing all those hexies!

  8. Such pretty pictures - Little Miss S is just darling. I agree, Don is my very best friend - I treasure the time we have together, just the two of us. My week has been medium - a little busy here and there and a little quiet in other places - a nice mix. And lots of rain - as you well know.

  9. She's so cute, your little grand. Turkey Feathers hexies perhaps...Must check! My week has been different and quiet and busy all at once.

  10. Lorrie, I am amazed by your plans to make a Hexagon quilt. i love having something to do while I watch tv so that part would be appealing but i can't even imagine how long it would take to sew them all together. Best of luck to you as you attempt to sell your home in Parksville. Hopefully your home will sell to just the right people. Your dear little Miss is as sweet as can be. Hope that the rain will go away before too long.

  11. I live with my best friend too! :-)

  12. I think I see some of you in that cute little grandbaby!

  13. Very beautiful painting. Your grand baby is adorable :) Can't wait to see your complete project with those cute hexies :)

  14. I feel blessed to say that my husband is my best friend, too!
    Love your hexie project! It's going to be charming. I hope you'll share some pics when you've finished it?
    Adorable Miss S!

  15. My Tim is my best friend too!

    My sister in law makes hexies all the time and she made Lindsay a really neat table runner! I'll have to see if I can get a photo of it! Yours are beautiful colors!


  16. Little Miss S is adorable. And my husband is my best friend too. I don't understand how it could be any other way.
    Your hexagon quilt will be gorgeous. Such a wonderful project for this time of year.

  17. What a sweetie, Miss S.
    Very nice painting of the bird.

  18. Cute photo of her despite the lighting glare, LOL. I have to say that Mr. Jim is my best friend too. And it looks like you have quite a little project to work on now!

  19. I LOVE the photo of your granddaughter! Her eyes are gorgeous...
    Blessings, Aimee


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