Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday

 Sunny days mid-week saw this gull in a mellow state of mind, allowing me to approach near. He/She flew off just after I clicked the button.

Bright daffodils bloom on roadsides and in sheltered yards. These came from the grocery store. Their cheery yellow heads add cheer to the kitchen table. The wind is picking up, clouds are moving in and rain spatters the window as I type. 

Two mothers, two little girls, one sleeping baby boy and a very happy Nana spent a couple of hours at the park this week. Such busy activity of running, sliding, running, running, sliding. Nana went down the big slide with the big girl and down the little slide with the little girl. Double slides are so much fun.

That's three things - for the fourth - we're looking forward to the first meal on the outdoor grill tonight. Good thing we have a sheltered area. Fifth - my parents are here for the weekend. Visiting, eating, drinking tea and chatting. It's all good. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Beautiful girls. They're lucky to have a Nana who goes down slides with them.

  2. Lovely!

    Have a wonderful weekend!


  3. Lovely photos.

    It feels like summer here today and we are planning to BBQ tonight too.

  4. Your granddaughters are so pretty and I can imagine there were squeals of delight as you took them down the slides. Enjoy your weekend visit with your parents. Blessings, Pam

  5. Brave Nana!
    Have a lovely time with your parents and family.

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    What fun times and photos. I wish you and your parents a wonderful weekend. Grilling out sounds delicious. Love your bouquet of flowers.

  7. Five lovely things! Happy weekend to you all!

  8. So pleased you picked up the 5things Friday meme- you're doing fun things with it! Have a great weekend!

  9. Enjoy the grill meal and your parents!!

  10. Oh the girls are growing up so fast! I know you treasure all of life's little moments.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day weekend!

  11. I all sounds good.
    We played at the park this week too with the slide.
    One of life's extra special pleasures.
    Oh and loving the daffodils here in my yard and in your vase.

  12. My gosh the girls are growing! Have a wonderful weekend with your parents.

  13. The girls must have had such fun with you on the slide,Lorrie. You are all very fortunate to live close enough to each other to allow for wonderful outings.


  14. This post was definitely a case of loving each photo more than the last. You saved the best for last. Your granddaughters are so adorable. I can just picture the running around and hearing the squeals and giggles. And later, little red cheeks resting on pillows, sleeping so soundly from all that fresh air. Ahhhh....

  15. A wonderful five! What a treat to have your parents visit!

  16. Like you said, it’s all good.

    Have a lovely time.

  17. I couldn't think of the nicer thing to do - spending time with your grandies and their mums!!!
    How wonderful to still have your parents with you - sharing precious family moments together.
    Your first BBQ is positive proof that Winter is but a memory.

  18. Lovely photos - the girls are so cute. I hope you enjoyed your bbq - we don't have a covered area but we've already been running back and forth in the rain to grill meat for indoor meals. I get so impatient this time of the year. The storm is here - rain is beating against the skylights - tomorrow promises to be rainy too - our daughter and her family are coming up (we live up the hill from them) to help us replace lightbulbs (new LED bulbs to save energy) and to wash light fixtures - looks like a good day.

  19. Love that gull shot. Your gulls look different to ours.


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