Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Sidney by the Sea

Sunshine warming my back. Eyes squinting into the light. Brilliant water. Spring. Ducks swimming, gulls wheeling and calling. Children running. Flowers opening to the warmth. Lightness in the air. Sailboats dancing. Impossibly blue sky. 

An errand took me to Sidney by the Sea this afternoon. Sea glass beckoned and I filled my pocket with white shards worn smooth by the waves. It was all so lovely.

Thank you for all your comments on my previous post. Further to some of the comments - I don't remember who said what, and I'm not going back to check. Casting blame on anyone was never my intent. Thumper, of Disney's Bambi movie, was told by his mother, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." That's particularly true of blogging, I think, where facial and tonal expressions are missing from the conversation.

Bogeymom/Carrie - I have no way to contact you. If you read this post, thank you for your kind comments - they are always welcome. 

Is spring coming your way? Today's loveliness lifted my spirits immensely.


  1. Such a gorgeous day out today! I bet Sidney was lovely.

  2. Lovely walk on the beach. Thumper was definitely right and so are you to try and forget the less kind comments.

  3. What a lovely diversion! Yes, we have some signs here, most notably the blooming daffodils. I also see a few trees with buds swelling up. It is supposed to get down to the low 20s tonight, though, and there's a chance of snow flurries!

  4. Oh what a lovely day - and a walk on the beach. I want to get to the beach and get some of the smooth round rocks to paint on. Maybe this weekend we'll get up to Birch Bay.

  5. It was a beautiful day to be out and about. Your sea glass collection must be plentiful after that beach walk. Looks like there is quite a bit on that beach.

  6. I love Sidney by the Sea! Our snow is almost gone and we can walk around without bundles of clothing but I truly miss the sea!

  7. I just love the name, Sidney by the Sea.

  8. Spring sends quiet clues of his arrival in out neck of the woods. It was lovely to see your sunny water and rocks images.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  9. Oh, such beautiful photos! It was a warm lovely day today with temp high of 66 but tonight it is going down to 25. Tomorrow high of 39 and a low of 19. But soon it will be spring and this long winter behind us :)

    Always a joy stopping by your place to visit!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  10. You described spring by the sea perfectly...I am happy to hear today was a good one for you! May God bless you!

  11. Lovely photos -- the seaside is so magical, isn't it? Didn't get a chance to comment on your earlier post but it resonated!

  12. Such gorgeous pictures....I do love the seaside! And beautiful sea glass to discover as well.....perfect!
    Helen xox

  13. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Looks like you were down at "glass beach", I was just there yesterday! The weather here has been so great and perfect for Spring Break.

  14. Such a lovely place. Happy you had a chance to enjoy it.

  15. I always love to tag along as you wander the beaches of your beautiful island Lorrie! Thanks for taking your camera along and sharing your quiet walk with us. There is some melting going on so the sidewalks and streets are for the most part snow free but it will be quite some time before the ground thaws enough for the snowpack to melt in the fields and forests….and snow is still in the long range forecast….Keep smiling Lorrie!

  16. Your seaglass makes me long for a beach where I can feast my eyes and fingers on the pebbles and such. Maybe this week....

  17. You are most welcome, Lorrie!
    Thanks for sharing with us.


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