Sunday, March 02, 2014

Playing with Tulips

Buckets of fresh tulips, yellow, white, fuschia, red and pink, greeted me as I popped into the grocery store yesterday. Resist? I couldn't. I didn't even try. Three bunches of these pale pink beauties found their way into my basket.

They sit now, in a polished silver jug, on my living room mantel. I walk into the room and my eye is drawn there. I feel the corners of my mouth lifting. Grey and grizzle may reign outdoors, but tulips bloom on my mantel.

Linking to Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden, and to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary of The Little Red House.


  1. Flowers always bring a smile and I love tulips as well! Enjoy them!

  2. Gorgeous! And such a wonderful shade of pink! You did a nice job photographing them.

  3. Oh, Lorrie. I looked when I was in a grocery store yesterday and saw one sad looking bunch of tulips. I've been craving them and will have to try another place.

    Your pink ones are soft and delicate. Although I can't see the silver jug, I can imagine it gleaming in the light. Maybe I should go on a tulip hunt right now!

    Thanks for linking to Sunlit Sunday and bringing flowers.


  4. Beautiful. I brought some sunshine in with some mini daffodils this week.

  5. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I love the pale pink! Blessings to you this week.

  6. Beautiful tulips, I love the pretty pink color. Enjoy your new week, Happy March!

  7. TULIPS! Nothing more beautiful than a bunch of tulips this time of year!

  8. These pink tulips are just so darling looking! Come on spring :)

  9. What a beautiful shade of pink. They really do brighten a home and bring a little Spring inside! Enjoy your week!

  10. What a great color! Love your shots.

  11. Lorrie - your tulips are fabulous! What a nice bit of spring to add to your home - enjoy!

    Cheryl @ The Creative Me and My McG

  12. Oh, those are beautiful! I picked up a pot of yellow ones yesterday, and, like you, I am enjoying the cheer that they bring.

  13. Ahhh...very worth it for the collective smiles they bring. (I have yet to see any tulips in the market...guess they figure if we're buried in snow that no tulips are needed.)

  14. I would love to have some real flowers right now. Too much snow and having more tonight and tomorrow.

  15. That's it........ I'm off to buy some tulips!

  16. Oh- yes! tulips- the pale pink is so fresh! I can almost smell them...

  17. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers and I have seen them in the stores and have been tempted to buy them.. I need to soon as it will be a long time before mine see daylight. Coming from Sunlit Sunday.

  18. They would also make me smile, lovely colour. Have a wonderful week.Jen

  19. Hi,Lorrie ,
    What beautiful tulips! The soft, pale pink and fresh tulips are so lovely!

  20. Oh yes tulips are the perfect thing to spring indoors. Valerie

  21. Oh pink tulips are so springy - they make me smile too.

  22. They are such a pretty and soft pink! They would make me smile too. :)

  23. So pretty...especially in pink!

  24. Simply lovely mosaic!
    ~Rainey @ The Project Table~

  25. Soft pink tulips - they're beautiful and I always buy a little bunch in our winter time too!
    I still polish my silver Lorrie, I know the fashion now is letting it go black... not for me!!!

  26. Don't they lift the spirits!

  27. Such a beautiful, delicate pink....tulips lift my was one of my father's favorite flowers in his garden.

  28. They are lovely! Sometimes we just need that little something to lift our spirit. Wishing you a wonderful week. Tammy

  29. Oh, what a luxury to buy 3 buckets of tulips. You inspire me to pick up some pretty flowers when I am out on errands today.

    That pork tenderloin looks fantastic. I am going to show that picture to Steve as inspiration for my dinner tonight.

  30. Sooo pretty! I'll be looking for some at my grocer's, and definitely some fragrant hyacinths.
    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. My posts are so erratic, I'm not sure anyone comes along and reads, but somehow I can always count on you. Lovely to have a friend so far away....

  31. Lovely pictures you created with the beautiful tulips. I know spring is coming.

  32. What a pretty mosaic - Thanks for sharing the beautiful tulips!
    Their prediction was right - we got the ice, sleet, snow and bitter temps.
    Enjoy your evening.

  33. Such soft and delicate colors!

  34. Tulips are truly one of my favorite flowers!

  35. I love tulips, they give such a feeling of spring! Lovely pictures!!

  36. Now there is a smile on my face...pretty tulips!

  37. I’ve treated myself to a bunch of reddy/silvery ones. There also sitting on the mantel.
    Can’t wait for the home grown ones.

  38. I can't resist playing with tulips either!
    lovely - thanks for sharing yours !


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