Saturday, March 29, 2014

Pink Inspiration

Clouds barely holding themselves together ,weighted with impending rain. Not, perhaps, the best day to visit a garden. No matter. It's the last weekend of the indoor display called Spring Prelude at Butchart Gardens. The Blue Poppy Restaurant is transformed into a garden complete with spring flowers, winding pathways, trees in bloom and architectural features. These photos, however, were taken outdoors.

The Spanish language has a lovely word describing the relationship between mothers-in-law.  We are "consuegras." Joint mothers-in-law. We get along well with all of our children's spouses' parents and enjoy visiting with them. Yesterday I visited the gardens with one of my three consuegras.

We both thought of Anne of Green Gables as we viewed the blossoming trees - remembering her penchant for naming things like "The White Way of Delight" and the "Snow Queen" cherry tree outside her bedroom window. 

The graceful arching branches of delicate pink against the wet evergreens and cloud-filled sky could certainly inspire one to poetic description. I'd like to waft some of these cherry blossoms eastward toward those enduring the-winter-that-won't-quit. Spring will come, eventually.

Linking to Sunlit Sunday, for the last week of the season. Thanks to Karen for hosting.  


  1. Pretty blossoms. There's still a little part of me that thinks pink trees look silly and made-up, but they're still a very welcome sign of spring.

    1. Cristal, you have to visit Washington DC Tidal Basin during the Cherry Blossom season. I think you will change your mind on pink flowering trees. The whole scenery will simply take your breath away. Christa

  2. Lorrie, the flowering trees look amazing. But what grabbed my attention are the fence and gate. They are so simple and beautiful. I am building a fence and some trellises with the cedar logs and branches from a tree we had to cut down after a severe storm last Fall. It's a great project. I am tempted to try building a gate, but that might be too ambitious!

  3. I guess we were thinking alike - both posting the pink trees today. They are so plentiful and beautiful in our part of the country so I guess they really did inspire us. My grandson calls them pink ice cream clouds - seems perfect. Your photos of the gardens are wonderful.

  4. A wonderful garden with blossoms and a special fence - thanks for sharing.
    Have a great sunday

  5. They really do lift the heart.

  6. How lovely! I love gardens. Bring on the blooming trees! Happy spring and happy Sun Lit Sunday.

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    beautiful blossoms ... it's a white snowy morning for us

  8. Oh that last picture is stunning! Cloudy days can offer some of the best images. You've captured it beautifully!

  9. Oh so lovely! Just now, I am hoping that spring will not come too quickly...torrential rain for three days will no doubt go a long way to catching us up with the calendar, yet also bring damaging floods. If it isn't one thing, it's another.

    I like the relationship between mothers-in-law. Without mine, I'd be sunk!

  10. The cherry blossoms would be a welcome sight at this time of year, Lorrie, making a stunning display. In addition to the blooms, the fence caught my eye; I love the rather organic shape and wish I swing open the gate and pass through to the other side.

    Thank you for sharing your part of beautiful British Columbia with Sunlit Sunday this year.

    Have a wonderful week.


  11. Lovely trees! I wish that you could send some of those blossoms eastward!

  12. Oh they are such beautiful trees against the green grass and grey skies. Thank you for thinking of us 'back east folk'. The storm here is awful. Snow for 6 hours and now ice pellets that will go on through Monday too. The noise of them hitting the house is annoying and reminds me of what it's doing out there. :) Thanks for visiting today. Blessings, Pam

  13. How wonderful to be close enough to this beautiful garden to drop in during all the seasons. Love those blossoms!

  14. How very pretty Lorrie! Especially the second photo.

  15. Wonderful nature images. The pink in nature is so inviting and refreshing.

  16. It has been many years since I visited Butchart Gardens and it was summer so I'd never seen the early budding as nature adds lace to the garden. So beautiful and it sounds like a wonderful day with family.

  17. Oooooo..... And yes, I would be thinking of Anne with an 'e' straight away too after seeing such visions of loveliness. I've been to Butchart once in the Spring... such a lovely time of year.

    So glad you shared!

  18. Lorrie...Such beautiful photos! The pink trees are so pretty and definitely herald the beginning of Spring! The composition of the last photo is perfection...the trees framing the rustic gate and fence! Sounds as if you and your consuegas had a wonderful day.

  19. That's such a beautiful shot...the last one. And a fence inspiration. Hmmmm I am dreaming now of doing something different.


  20. There is something so very special about the first delicate blossoms of Spring.
    They brave the cold and put on a wonderful display to give us a hint of what's to come!
    Such pretty branch fencing and an archway drawing the eye in.
    How lovely to be consuegras together Lorrie!

  21. Both pictures are gorgeous, but that second photo takes my breath away.

  22. Anonymous5:01 AM

    So pretty, hopefully the rain held off for your visit!

  23. What a beautiful post. I lingered here a bit, soaking up the pink, the spring, and your gentle words. (Thank you for introducing me to the lovely word "consuegras.")

  24. Such a lovely shade of pink. So spring like. I really like that 2nd photo.

  25. I just love, love, love these gardens and seeing all that pink
    would make me want to dance and sing.

  26. these trees in blossom are so photos are exquisite!


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