Friday, March 07, 2014

Five on Friday

Whoosh. Where did the week go? Are you noticing the way the light lingers in the evenings? I hardly know when to start cooking dinner! 

For the first of my five things - have you heard of The Great British Sewing Bee?  Season One ran last spring and now the second Season is playing. Not in North America. Inkstain, a novelist and sewist, puts up links to the episodes each week. Last year I found them on YouTube, but haven't been able to this year. I really enjoy watching the contestants cut and stitch and use their creativity under time constraints. 

Second, last weekend's tulips have opened and faded to a lovely blush colour. I love their pale reflection in the mirror.

Third. Our front porch for the last couple of months. Prior to pouring a new driveway last November we (aka Tim) removed the small and sinking porch. He framed up a new one, providing access to the front door until the rest of the project could be done. One little grandgirlie asked, "Why is there a hole in your porch, Nana?" on several occasions. The other little grandgirlie stared down and said, "hole, hole."

As of this week the holes are gone but the railing is not yet complete. Soon, I hope.

Fourth, I'm hoping to get to this book this weekend. Another Inspector Gamache mystery. 

These croci beckoned me on my walk the other day, so I snapped a photo with my phone. Such a vivid cluster of color means that surely spring cannot be far away. 



  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Beautiful croci and tulips. So nice to see color! Wishing you a lovely weekend; enjoy your book.

  2. Nothing like the anticipation of both spring and a good book. Have a great weekend, Lorrie!

  3. We love the GBSB. They do give them difficult tasks. Last week was working with stretch fabrics, and some amazing things were made.

  4. A "high five" for your five! Have a great weekend and I hope you get your book read!

  5. Ha! We've got some holes in a step out of our family room that your grands would have comments about. Soon as the weather gets better that will be resolved. I enjoy mysteries and I'll have to check and see if our library system has this series. Have a good weekend.

  6. Your tulips have opened beautifully.

    Thanks for the book title. I love a good mystery and particularly love to read series.

  7. I just finished Dead Cold Louise Penny's second in the Gamache series. Hope you enjoy the book.
    The croci are a beautiful harbinger of Spring!

  8. I noticed the same thing about supper time too. I forget to make it as I think it's still 4:00 instead of 5. The crocus are so pretty. It's milder here today but the wind is crazy so it feels colder to me.

  9. Gotta love the warnings of grands! "Hole hole" has me chuckling.

  10. Congratulations on getting your porch finished . . . I'm sure that you and your little granddaughters are delighted. I am amazed at what lovely photos your phone takes. Those croci are beautiful.
    Happy almost Spring!
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  11. The crocus are just beautiful right now and love to ones you found.
    Some home projects seem to just take awhile to get done. Glad the
    porch hole is now closed and on it's way to being finished.

  12. Love the photos - the croci are amazingly purple.

  13. When I opened this post, I first thought you'd been at your watercolours again -- those tulips mix blush and cream so delicately . . .

  14. Pretty tulips and croci! Ah, I know you will be glad when the hole, hole is gone, gone!


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