Friday, March 28, 2014

Five on Friday

1. Mister F. came by for a visit yesterday and stayed alone with me while his mother took Miss A to a gymnastics class. We had a good time, just the two of us. Posing for photos wore him right out and he fell asleep in my arms in the rocking chair. This Nana won't complain about holding a sleeping baby.

2. I've mentioned the naturalized lawn I pass walking. It's gone from snowdrops to cyclamen to croci to daffodils and now to these pretty blue flowers whose name I do not know.

3. Sewing projects. I seem to sew a lot but finish little. Time to stop that. Finishing things is my goal for the next little while. 

4.  Happiest of Birthdays to my wonderful husband - we celebrated with the family last weekend but today is the day. He asked for a carrot cake with cream cheese icing. I haven't made one of those for years, but dug out the recipe and succeeded. Just for fun I cut it into pieces and assembled a boat cake, complete with lifesavers and candles. The little girls loved it.

5. I'm a guest blogger on Laura's wonderful Decor to Adore blog. Click on over for a few thoughts on adding a bit of French flair to your home.

That's been my week - what was yours like? Any plans for the weekend?  


  1. That naturalized lawn would be so pretty to watch grow! I love having things like that to observe while walking :-)

  2. Dear Lorrie,

    How blessed you are to snuggle such cuteness. Yes, I mean the baby but I am sure your D.H. is a delight too. :)
    Thank you so very much for your lovely post at Decor To Adore.

  3. A very Happy Birthday to your hubby, Lorrie! He looks very happy, himself, holding that custom made carrot cake! Hope he has a wonderful year filled with health, love and everything he enjoys!


  4. Your newest grandbaby looks a lot like his big sister. Adorable! And I am happily imagining rocking a sleeping baby. I can feel the calm descend. What a good wife to make just what your hubby requested! He looks very happy about it, too. Okay, off to read at Decor to Adore.

  5. Love that shot of your little grand. So cute. Looks like your hubby was happy with the cake, too. Happy Birthday to him...

  6. I think they are Scillas on the lawn, Lorrie. So pretty.

  7. Could the flowers be scilla (siberica)? The reflection of light in the centre of each flower makes it a bit hard to tell, but at a glance that would be my guess. . . .

  8. Mr. F is pretty cute and I imagine you had a wonderful time together. Love the cake you made for your hubby's birthday! That is a favourite of my hubby's too. I hope you have a nice day of celebrating today and a great weekend.

  9. You are so clever with that cake for your husband. like Pamela's comment above, I also was going to say that's always my husband's birthday cake request! And I know what it's like to wear a baby out with photos! How sweet to have a cuddle with him napping in your arms. Have a great weekend!

  10. That's what I call a perfect day Lorrie!
    Having your newest grandie to yourself for a couple of hours to cuddle - it puts life into perspective.
    New babies are so very special.
    Love the cake - it put a smile on your husbands face too!
    At work we always have a cake on our birthday - I chose carrot cake for mine too!

  11. Lorrie, I'm so enjoying your Five on Friday. My hubby's fav cake is carrot too! Yum. Happy birthday wishes to him on his special day.

    Happy weekend....

  12. Oh, he is a cutie. You have given me an idea with those blocks. I'll have to dig mine out of the attic.
    I had several days of alone time with my grandson this week. Such joyful moments.
    Happy Birthday to your hubby. He does, indeed, look happy with his special cake. Great idea to shape it into a boat.
    The naturalized lawn is so pretty. We have friends from England who told me they did that over there with daffodils.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  13. I miss having a baby grandchild like your cute little Felix, ours are all growing up. Happy Birthday to your hubby, your skills for making a carrot cake came back easily.
    The little blue flowers are chionodoxa, I have them naturalizing in my butterfly garden.

  14. Feliz cumpleanos a Tim--what a sweet cake!

  15. Rocking a sleeping doesn't get much better!
    Happy birthday to your dear husband! (Great cake!)

    Off to read your guest post...

  16. A baby, flowers, and a happy husband - it all made me smile.


  17. Ah ha I see someone has already named the Chionodoxa...they are so beautiful...I must plant some and keep forgetting.


  18. Guess blogging -- look at you!

  19. Your husband does not look old enough to be a gandfather! Happy birthday to him! Isn't rocking a grandchild to sleep the best feeling?

  20. Love your five - what a great picture of your husband and his wonderful cake - now I'm off to read your guest blog.

  21. Sweet, sweet baby! aww... sleeping in your arms!
    Love the festive carrot birthday cake! Sending happy wishes to your husband :)

  22. What a sweet baby ! And a good looking cake... that really says I love you !
    So I'll chime in and say, yes, the flowers are chionodoxa, I have some growing too ; and I'll rush off to read Laura's blog, I really like it, so nice that you are a guest there ! have a nice week, it's pretty busy here already.

  23. Sweet little Felix!
    Clever birthday cake.
    I have those little blue flowers too, but also don't know what they are.
    I think the birds brought them, but I will thank them as I love them.

  24. Happy (slightly belated) Birthday to your hubby! CUTE baby photo:)
    Blessings, A


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