Saturday, March 22, 2014

Elusive Spring

The shy sun hides behind clouds. Rain spatters the windows. 

What to do? 

Pull on a sweater. Make a cup of tea. Settle into some virtual gardening. Find spring in colorful photographs, in seed packets, in planning for sunnier days ahead.What do you do when spring eludes?

Linking to Sunlit Sunday, hosted by Karen of My Little Home and Garden.


  1. Enjoy my dear xxx

  2. Il pleut depuis deux jours (mais heureusement, le jardin était tout sec !), donc je m'occupe de la maison. J'ai nettoyé la salle de bains de fond en comble, dans les moindres détails, et j'ai rangé mes papiers et mes classeurs dans mon bureau. Si un petit rayon de soleil se montre, je ferai une promenade, sinon je corrigerai des copies !
    Je te souhaite un bon dimanche, et une belle semaine.

  3. Go sledding? That's what we did yesterday.

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Looks like the perfect thing to do on a rainy day!

  5. Pretty photo! This past week I sowed some seeds inside for planting when the weather warms. And, I noticed a patch of pretty purple crocuses blooming in the yard of my daughters neighbor. Snow is forecast for Tuesday but I can't imagine winter holding on much longer :)

  6. We went from sunny and mid 70s to rainy and low 50s this weekend. They are even throwing around the "s" word here in the sunny south. Ah yes, elusive spring for sure.
    I like your ideas for occupying a rainy day. I hope to find time while babysitting my grandson for some similar pursuits.

  7. You've found a lovely way to while away part of a rainy day, Lorrie. Cleaning my kitchen hardly qualifies as a fun activity while I wait for illusive spring, but that's my task at the moment. I did cut some forsythia branches this morning and will see if I can persuade them to bloom early indoors.

    Enjoy your magazine!


  8. Well honestly I am regrouting the bathroom floor! Not glamorous but it needs to be done!
    I am saving my copy of a Country Living for next week when I get some time to read it in a cottage by the sea. Dreaming of sunnier days....enjoy!

  9. Well honestly I am regrouting the bathroom floor! Not glamorous but it needs to be done!
    I am saving my copy of a Country Living for next week when I get some time to read it in a cottage by the sea. Dreaming of sunnier days....enjoy!

  10. Sometimes I pout - but then I realize that no one has given me control over the weather - so pouting is useless - so I crochet - or read - or plant a little pansy or two - or 10 - watch the birds - drink some tea - clean the house - there is always something to entertain and keep me busy indoors until the warm days arrive.

  11. I would say waking up to a fresh 3 inches of snow means spring is eluding us...well instead of pouting, I went out and took photos. Fun foggy white ones.


    1. Ooops I just saw JoAnn's comment, funny that I used the word pout in mine before I saw hers...I was in a real snit this morning looking out there. 2 weeks ago we were able to rake half frozen ground, today...we snow plow.


  12. I almost bought this magazine last week. :) I like your sunny vignette (I have the same mug(s) set). Have a wonderful week Lorrie.

  13. I wouldn't mind a rainy day. When it is beautiful and sunny, I don't want to be in the house, but I have some sewing calling my name.

  14. Virtual gardening does it for me and I try to make sure I'm caught up on everything so that when the day comes to get outside to garden, no worries are left inside.

  15. there is no better way to spend a rainy day! here's hoping for some warmer weather.

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    that is the perfect thing to do on a cloudy and rainy day

  17. Actually, my cousin just posted some photos of the recent snowfall that's re-winterized his home in the BC Interior, so I'm quite happy to toodle around my garden looking at blooms, even if I have to bundle up to do so. . . ;-)

  18. Hide, just hide until the weather gets to where the sun warms your face when you close your eyes and look towards it. Have a perfect week

  19. Like you Lorrie I'm enjoying my new issue of the magazine - it never disappoints does it?

    After the gorgeous warm weather here on Fri. and Sat., today turned cold and wet and a possible wintery mix may arrive on Tues. So, out come the sweaters and boots again - and we're using the last of our firewood from the huge stack we started with in December - that proves it's been a severe winter for us here in the south.

    Mary X

  20. Same as you...look at magazines full of spring-y things, as you pray for those birds who have returned...


  21. I know everyone is ready for Spring. Even though we don't get very cold here we are definitely seeing the spring green colors in the trees right now. We hiked this afternoon and saw wildflowers in bloom, too. Hope you see glimpses of Spring soon, too! Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  22. Yesterday we took the dogs for a walk in the rain! Sometimes it is good just to embrace it. :)

  23. I'd probably bundle up, grab my umbrella and walk along the beach.

  24. Looks like a perfect thing to do- enjoy the sun while reading a magazine and enjoying a favorite hot drink! Spring is dragging it's tail here too.

  25. Lorrie, I would have done the same. I actually love to imagine and dream about what I would like my garden to look like. I enjoy looking at pictures of beautiful gardens for ideas. I find that very relaxing and up lifting.

  26. We certainly went back to winter yesterday. Temperatures dropping, a chilling rain, hot tea with our lunch, blankets, a nap …. but we had a beautiful spring and warm day the day before. Nature seems to be playing games with us. But I much prefer this to the hot spring we had last year.

  27. When spring teases ‘will it won’t it’ I stay indoors and read.
    Cold winds do not suit my gardening.

  28. We are supposed to get snow tomorrow night! It never ends!


  29. That sums up my spring too. Rebecca

  30. I'd say you did the RIGHT thing! That magazine looks so inviting. I like virtual gardening, much easier on the back!

  31. Lorrie...the prefect plan for a rainy day!


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