Tuesday, March 25, 2014

That Time of Year

 It's that time of year - when the hyacinths bloom curly and blue under bare rosebushes

...when dry grasses stand in front of bushes just beginning to leaf out. 

...when pink is the colour of the day and blossoms float on the air

...when vintage cars and trucks are carefully unwrapped and driven proudly on sunny days. 

...when one never knows what might come in for a landing beside the water.

... when sailboats motor by because the sea is flat calm

... when blue skies and bright sun beguile one into thinking that a warm jacket might not be needed

... when an afternoon stroll turns into 90 minutes of "let's go a little further" to take advantage of the spring day

That was Sunday. Today is drizzly, but definitely warming. Is it that time of year where you are, too? 


  1. Lorrie, we had snow today in Virginia again! But my garden has begun to wake up. Very soon, everything is going to shoot up (I hope). Your photos are beautiful and full of life. Thank you for sending colors our way.

  2. Great photos Lorrie...you have covered planes and automobiles...just need a train!

  3. Love those grape hyacinths. So pretty. Today, this morning at least, finally felt like spring as it warmed up and there was no wind. The calm before the storm tomorrow. :)

  4. It is not that time of year where I am tonight! It is snowing...again. We keep hoping each snowfall is the last of the season, and then another arrives. We have had some spring-ish days in between, however, and more are promised for later in the week, so hope remains. :)

  5. Perhaps by July... Ha! I loved seeing that green, green grass even more than the beautiful flowers.

  6. Not here, Lorrie. A few snowflakes fluttered down today, but didn't stay. I enjoyed seeing your spring photos and wouldn't mind a drive in that shiny red truck!


  7. It's pouring here right now, but it was considerably warmer today, and when the sun shines, the blossoms are beginning to let some fragrance escape. . . . I want more!

  8. I am still waiting for that time of year. Thanks for sharing so that those of us experiencing unseasonably cold weather can live vicariously through you.

  9. The weekend was indeed magnificent~
    I was not to far from you at the tip of Washington.
    Lovely indeed. And now comes the rain to brighten
    and make all growing things just beautiful.

  10. It looks like you have spring too. It's still back and forth here; below freezing this morning! It's keeping the blossoms around longer at least!

  11. It's been cold here yet...and we've been sick...so I'm still looking forward to getting out in warm days.

  12. Well, no....it's not quite that time of year yet for us, but I won't go on about it. Today, I am listening to the wind howl, and hoping we won't lose power. We are sitting slightly southwest of a huge Nor'Easter, and I'm afraid our friends south of here as well as up the coast and into Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are going to bear the brunt of this storm, so I'm not complaining. We have lots to look forward to...

  13. Love the scenes from your world. I am enjoying the warmer temps. Have had some great sunshiny days with several rainy days mixed in.

  14. You have some out of the ordinary shots there Lorrie! How great to see a helicopter coming into land and that truck is the perfect red. Thanks for sharing. xx

  15. Looks like a very nice walk. We're enjoying a few 'just because' strolls in the sunshine these days and it's wonderful.

  16. I can see Spring in every photo, Lorrie! Two signs in my area....daffodils are blooming and birds are building nests in my awning :)

  17. That first whiff of hyacinths each spring is really something isn't it? Glad to see spring has sprung around your world too.

  18. Oh yes, lol...it's beautiful and frozen, and there are still large patches of snow in the yards. But that said, there were some tiny shoots showing from a spring bulb in a sunny spot the other day. Even the hardy bleeding heart is still dormant...that scares me.


  19. All through the winter, it felt like summer. Now that spring is here, we have cold, cloudy days and brisk winds. At least I am getting things done in the house.

    Your photos are gorgeous.

  20. It's a wonderful time of the year. Loved the shot of the grasses. It's rainy here this week :o(

  21. I can get in the mood for spring just popping by your blog! The green, green grass and the red, red truck...love it!

  22. Oh the days are lovely when the sun shines - wish it would come back again. Your pictures are so springy and pretty.

  23. LOVELY photography and color... looking forward to spring finding us some day soon.

  24. Lovely glimpses of one of my favourite places to be....

  25. I am a new follower of your lovely blog. Thought I already was. Love your spring pics.

    Also enjoyed your "favorite five" at Laura's today.


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