Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Rainy Weather Walks

"There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes." So says my husband. 

Sunday afternoon. Pouring rain eases to a steady drizzle. We shrug into raincoats, pull rain pants over our jeans, and put on waterproof shoes. 

We're the only humans at Tod Inlet. Dozens of gulls perch on old pilings, impervious to the soft patter of droplets on the water. One gull rises, flaps to another perch and forces the gull sitting there to move on. He, in turn, chooses an occupied perch as well, in spite of quite a number of empty spots. Fun to watch.

One raindrop trembles on the end of a bare branch just beginning to swell with the promise of growth. 

Tim's on a week of vacation. Nothing special is planned, but today we drove up to our house in Parksville. The one we couldn't sell two years ago. It's been rented, but it's on the market again. 

Rain poured down as we drove. The rain thickened - a mixture of rain and snow. Splat, splat went the wipers. 

Before turning homeward we went for a walk along Englishman River Falls. Mud squelched. Rain dripped off the trees. Water rushed over the falls. Such a variety of water sounds.

Bright emerald tiny ferns poke up from the moss. In spite of the cold wet and the snow lying in the forest, spring is on the way.


  1. Beautiful photos and words, Lorrie.

    I am thankful Spring is on its way! Winter has been long!


  2. The prose is wonderful...the photos a perfect complement. As for spring being on its way, I'll have to take your word for it. Snowing and January cold here.

  3. I love your husband's quote. He's an optimist isn't he?! I need better clothes evidently!

  4. I agree - there is no bad weather - just weather. Different sorts, and from time to time catastrophic, but mostly our everyday different types of weather, Love the first shot - and all the others - a walk in the rain is a treat - even here where it rains so much. When we lived in the desert in Southern California they would declare a school holiday if it rained (and it only did once in 5 years that we lived there) on a school day - not because of rain problems - but so that the children could play in the rain - and ours certainly did, even as teenagers they danced and played in the rain.

  5. Wonderful photos. That's a great quote from your husband. I've been enjoying the little hints of Spring around the yard.

  6. I can almost feel the cold and the damp but it must have been so nice to get out and enjoy some fresh air. Your photos are so beautiful. I love the water drop one with the swelling buds.

  7. I especially love your first photo...love all those gulls, the pilings and their reflections!

  8. I'm going out on a limb here, and saying I miss the rain. We don't get rain like that up here, well maybe once a year, but that lush bringing green moisture laden cold shivering damp...not happening. Love the fern pic..

    And please don't feel bad, I'm so behind too.


  9. Your pictures capture the emotion of a rainy day and I'm sorrry you are still having so much rain, I guess you'll be seeing a lot of green soon!

  10. I didn't know you had rain pants. Not a bad idea. I've been eyeing Miss S' Muddy Buddy and thinking it would be nice to have an adult equivalent. Case in point: I was doing pretty well at keeping my jeans dry in the garden this morning until she dumped a shovel full of dirt in my lap. Rain pants.

  11. I love your husband's outlook, and I love that you have "good clothes."
    Beautiful post!

  12. Your hubby's a wise man, Lorrie! It's true; mother nature nourishes the earth in many different ways, each one, vital for it's growth and renewal. I enjoyed this post very much for its beautiful images and intriguing commentary. Thanks so much for taking us along.


  13. LOVE that top picture.

  14. I love your husband's philosophy! That is a wonderful way to look at it, and I am going to try to adapt it more into my life. Loved your walk pictures too.

  15. Anonymous5:12 AM

    These are the most beautiful pictures. Best wishes selling your other home.

  16. Your photos are gorgeous -- I especially love the gulls on the pilings. The yellow-green algae-moss almost glows, and the water looks so misty. Good for you and your husband for getting out in the weather and finding the beauty in the sights, sounds and smells.

  17. Hi Lorrie,

    Gulls are so funny, aren't they? When we ride the ferry at the beach in the summer, they always follow us all the way across to the ferry stop, looking for snacks from the tourists. I LOVE the tiny, emerald fern in your picture. Boy, that river looks really swollen with water -- you guys really have had a lot of rain!

    I enjoyed your post -- hope you have a good day Lorrie!!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  18. Such beauty even on a rainy day. Absolutely loved the Gull shot and the last shot of the rainy leaf.


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