Tuesday, October 06, 2015

A Change in the Air

Last weekend's weather felt like a summer's day. Hot sunshine. Warm breezes. On my Sunday afternoon walk I picked up a few autumn leaves and brought them home to reside on the hall table. I pulled out the October quote by Anne of Green Gables, created by a friend for my birthday last year. And on the chalkboard I wrote, "Welcome Fall." 

Neighbourhood sights include this home with window boxes filled with red geraniums. I admire them each time I pass by.

Soon this old car will be tucked away, sheltered from the wind and rain. Autumn seems to have taken my welcome sign at face value for today there's a change in the air. Less warmth. The sun not quite so bright and a bite in the air. 

After school today I kicked my shoes off, made a cup of tea and sat down. I could have marked papers, but instead I played with Image Chef, making a mosaic including things I love about autumn. It could be an educational tool according to the website, so I don't feel bad at all. 

What do you love about autumn? Is there a change in the air out your way?


  1. Hello, Lorrie!
    We have had two frosty nights now. Our pelargoniums must spend the night indoors and some have been taken already to the wintering spot. Autumn starts to become cold... and even more beautiful.
    Your photos are lovely, as always, and I will play with Image Chef too, if I will be able to decide what to try first of all those templates!
    Have a great day!

  2. I have not tried Image chef, but love your mosaic. I see that Pumpkins feature largely!All of a sudden our trees are turning and dressing themselves in Autumn colours. It seems to have come very quickly.

  3. Hi Lorrie,
    Yes Autumn is in full swing in Sussex UK, the leaves are turning and conkers everywhere, we have started putting our halloween items out and done an Autumn crochet wreath!. Enjoy the Fallxx

  4. Anonymous4:21 AM

    Everyone loves fall. Well, everyone except me. :-) The leaves are pretty, I love pumpkin anything, and fall adventures without the tourists, but it's the end of the 'green' season and the approach of the 'white' season. LOL There's another positive for fall - nothing to shovel. :-)

  5. Your fall vignette is pretty and I really like the Anne saying done on burlap. What a great old car. Yes, folks will soon be storing their sports cars, convertibles and motorcycles for the winter but we are still enjoying some lovely days here and see them on the roads for now. The colours in the trees are slowly changing. A delayed fall show this year. I like the fall graphic you made. Enjoy the nice days!

  6. We've definitely turned the corner into Autumn. The highs have been upper 60's, low 70's cool nights. I'm thankful for it!

    Your neighborhood looks interesting, it was fun having a peek!

    I am going to check out that site. It looks like a fun activity, I think my own students would like it!


  7. I also love October but over here it is spring! greetings from South Africa!

  8. What fun stuff around there. LOVE those window boxes on that house. It is feeling like fall here, too...finally. I LOVE that little framed picture in the first photo. xo Diana

  9. Oh yes...we are going through changes here as well, leaving the mugginess behind, I hope for a very long time. All of our rain left us with clear, crisp skies and glorious sunshine. Your photos are all so lovely, as well as your new fall header! I just love everything about the fall!

  10. Hello Lorrie
    Always a pleasure to read your post and browse through your lovely photos. I just love that October needlework embroidery on that linen. Still not properly autumn yet here in my part of France.

  11. Yes, I'm feeling that change in the air too. It's raining this morning and I'm enjoying a slow start with a cup of tea.

  12. I love autumn also. It's my favorite season. I love the early evenings and how they bring everyone close and at home.

  13. Our weather suddenly turned to rain this morning. I am heading toward a bowl of warm soup for lunch. Popcorn definitely will be on the agenda soon. The red geraniums would make me smile too. Loving the falling leaves.

  14. Delightful glimpses into your neighborhood. Oh those windowboxes! That vintage plus auto! I can see you using that web site for your classes. It looks like fun! It's been in the 60sF here so chilly and seasonal.

  15. Even here in the south the weather has turned cooler and it feels like fall. Pumpkins are out on doorsteps and the days are shorter. All welcome!

  16. So many beautiful autumn moments! My favourite thing is seeing every one else's favourite autumn things and you have some beautiful things! xx

  17. Anonymous3:13 PM

    I welcome Fall with you. Love the Anne quote. I appreciate new color and cooler days.

  18. Love the quotes! happy October 2015

  19. And today we got an inch of rain - did you get any? I figure it must be raining all around the area. I baked an apple cake today - an autumn tradition plus it makes the house cozy and smells so good.

    I think my favorite thing about autumn is that brings us closer to spring and summer. Thanksgiving is a favorite and starting to get ready for christmas and making plans.

    Love your photos.

  20. It's been quite a warm autumn here, and today was up to 20C! We were "this" close to turning on the furnace last week. Now I'm wondering how long we'll have the windows opened! I prefer the crisp cool days to this unseasonal weather. Lovely images from your neighbourhood :)

  21. Autumn is my favorite time of the year . . . the most beautiful of seasons. I even named my daughter after it, Autumn Rose :)

  22. Yes the change is here as well...even if it is warming up to about 70 late afternoon it's not long enough to warrant a change of clothes...it's longer sleeve weather for sure here, and the weekend looks to be much cooler again.

  23. Besides the early morning walk, hubby and the dog and I go for an afternoon one as well before afternoon tea. It was heavenly today with the sun out, crunchy leaves underfoot and the reds now starting to appear on the trees. I love the smell of autumn!
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    I like Connie's comment about naming her daughter, that's sweet.

  24. Oh Lorrie, that heart shaped quote is gorgeous...love that idea, and it's a real time saver. No more cutting and pasting!

    Our weather is getting warmer again...had some frost a few weeks ago...and now it's changed it's mind and warmed up again. The flowers are loving it.


  25. I love that quote by Anne! I knew she was a kindred spirit.

  26. How wonderful to look upon such happy window boxes and old cars.

    The quote seems extra perfect for you given your recent visit to Anne land.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you.

  27. This is definitely my idea of a great education project!
    I love the LM Montgomery quote too.

  28. Just absolutely wonderful in all ways. I want my oldest daughter to see this~


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