Saturday, October 10, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving

Late afternoon light shows off the sculptural petals of this dahlia just before I clipped it for the house. 

Blueberry leaves are fire engine red and will soon begin to tumble to the ground.

A storm blew in this afternoon and rain pelts the garden. This pumpkin, photographed yesterday, is the brightest spot in my garden.

Indoors, we're warm and toasty. The pumpkin pies are cooling. My parents arrived this afternoon and the recipe pictured above was sitting on the counter. Mom was surprised to see it there, well used and spattered. It's the recipe from her own childhood, one that her mother used. 

Bread slices dry in the laundry room (on the counter, not in the dryer!). The turkey is thawing. Potatoes and sweet potatoes, pickles and onions are bursting the cupboards. Tomorrow we gather in thankfulness.

Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends! 


  1. A very Happy Thanksgiving to you too Lorrie...full of laughter and happiness, family and friends...and of course turkey!

    Love your pumpkin's gorgeous!


  2. Very very happy thanksgiving - it all sounds so good. I did make a pumpkin custard today - I just never can wait until our thanksgiving in November. The house smells wonderful. How great that you have the old family recipe - love the photograph.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie!

    Many blessings on this next year!


  4. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Lorrie and family!!

  5. Have a happy Thanksgiving with your family. It all sounds ready and wonderful.
    I love the handwritten recipe in such a dainty, pretty handwriting. It looks similar to my grandmother's. I can imagine your mother did a double look when she saw it. Sweet memory.

  6. Beautiful flowers, Lorrie and I love the color of that pumpkin. It has that sort of reddish hue that I like.

    Happy Thanksgiving! I was wondering if you menu was similar to ours. Have a lovely day! :)

    Jane x

  7. Happy Thanksgiving to you,Lorrie. I hope your whole weekend is wonderful. xoDiana

  8. Happy Thanksgiving Lorrie. I love your dahlia and pumpkin. The spattered old recipe is a treasure. It just speaks volumes of treasured and happy family times and good food shared. Enjoy the day! Blessings, Deborah

  9. Have a lovely Thanksgiving, Lorrie. I have a few of those well-used recipes too. All with special memories. Beautiful photos again!

  10. Wonderful post, as always!
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  11. Of course you are Canadian! Happy Thanksgiving
    And what a tasty looking pumpkin pie!

  12. Enjoy your thanks giving. We don't celebrate that here in France,
    Have a lovely weekend with your parents . Old favourite recipes are always the best.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  14. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Happy Thanksgiving from your US blogging friends. :-) Flower is beautiful, pumpkin is handsome, pie looks delicious, and the well used but loved recipe warms the heart. Happy Holiday.

  15. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. The old tried and true recipes are the best.

  16. Belatedly, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend.

  17. Wonderful, cozy post perfectly describing the highlights of preparations for the Thanksgiving feast. I love the photo of the pie and your grandmother's recipe. A blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours. Do you use actual Thanksgiving to recuperate? =D I notice that many of my Canadian friends celebrate on the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

  18. It sounds lovely Lorrie. We had our dinner today (Sunday) at our son and daughter in law's. Wishing you a blessed day.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie! We enjoyed our Thanksgiving turkey today and will enjoy the leftovers for the next few days.

  20. Lorrie, that is the most spectacular dahlia I've ever seen! And your pumpkin pie looks gorgeous! I'm sure everyone enjoyed the day tremendously.

  21. Happy Thanksgiving! It's the first one I've ev spent out of the country, the first without turkey, but we are very grateful to be with family here in Rome. Enjoy the closeness of family in the beautiful warmth of your lovely home.

  22. Happy thanksgiving...that pie looks wonderful :)

  23. Looks like you are having a lovely time....we have to wait till Christmas!
    Fabulous dahlia!

  24. Happy Thanksgiving!! We gathered yesterday and of course were blessed to have family and friends around the table! Corban and Keegan have really grown over the summer months! So happy they are just down the laneway from us. It was nice to see Colin's folks briefly a few weeks back. Take care!!

  25. Love that old recipe! :)


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