Friday, October 16, 2015

On a Friday Afternoon

On a Friday afternoon, I exit the school building and blink at the bright sunshine. Tasks of teaching fully absorb every thought during the day and I am almost disoriented now. As I drive home, my mind turns to other things, like the walk we took last Monday to the top of Christmas Hill. The city spreads before us, a medley of nature and human effort, with the Strait and Washington's Olympic Peninsula beyond.  

 A gnarly Garry Oak stretches moss-covered branches over the path, almost as if reaching to touch passersby. Once again I am reminded at how prodigious is life on this planet. Left to itself, nature soon takes over cleared fields and homesteads with blackberry brambles, thistles and broom. 

Life is prodigious, but I cannot pick and choose what will have life and what will not. I plant seeds and the miracle of growth occurs, or it does not. I can only wait and see, water and weed and hope for the best. 

"How odd," I think, "to be pondering planting and seeds when autumn is upon me." Perhaps, yet I'll be planting bulbs in the hope of spring blooms, and these pretty red leaves will become compost and nurture the soil.

I stop at the grocery store on my way home and buy a ready-to-bake pizza. Friday evenings are slow around here - dinner on a tray in front of the television. A BBC mystery, perhaps Miss Fisher, or Death in Paradise. It's lovely to think of sleeping past 6:30 am.

A weekend project besides the laundry and cleaning. A moto-style jacket. The fabric I'm using is behind the pattern. Wish me luck!

How's your weekend shaping up?


  1. Sounds like a good week and a good weekend. Love the pattern. I have plans to bake cookies and to sew Halloween costumes for my dolls. My grandsons are past the age when they want Grammy to make their costumes - they design and make them up for themselves now. A little relaxing as Don recuperates from surgery - which went extremely well - and maybe some visits from our daughters and their families.

  2. Perhaps the thoughts of planting are a metaphor for all the seeds you're planting in that classroom. Beautiful red leaves! I do not envy you your weekend sewing adventure, though I am certain that you will do well with it. We want to see it! Your Friday evening viewing sounds much different from ours; the pizza's the same...usually. Tonight we had chicken soup.

  3. Anonymous3:49 AM

    The oak is wonderful over the path, and you certainly captured the essence of the season with those beautiful red leaves. I'll be anxious to see how your jacket turns out. I'm quilting a doll quilt right now, and this small project seems to challenge me at every turn. Frustrating but makes me laugh at myself as well. Happy weekend.

  4. Sounds like a perfect weekend. Enjoy!

  5. I Love that oak! And you are a serious seamstress, able to make a jacket like that. While I fool around with quilting I have only made a simple skirt or two for the grandgirls...and once I made a really REALLY bad doll dress :) I hold people who can sew clothes in awe. Enjoy your sewing .the fabric looks lovely.

  6. I love the photos of the old tree and the old fence. Friday night pizza happens here sometimes too. I love the fabric you've chosen for the moto jacket. You will have to show us when it's done. I don't sew. Haven't for over 30 years. Therefore I admire anyone who does sew and enjoys it. To me it's pure frustration. :) Enjoy the weekend.

  7. There's nothing like the beauty of nature, especially in this season to encourage our ponderings. Good luck with the jacket, I'm sure it will turn out well.
    Only 26F this morning for my walk, going to have to pull out the winter gear.
    Have a nice weekend.

  8. Such pretty images, Lorrie! I think fall is such a contemplative time of year, and that comes through in your post. :) I LOVE those beautiful Canadian maple leaves. I'm learning a lot about your country through reading the Louise Penny "Inspector Gamache" series -- so interesting!! Quebec sounds beautiful, but I don't know if I could survive the cold.

    Good luck with the jacket; I'm sure it will be lovely. Have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  9. Enjoy your weekend and sewing project. We choose not to watch much tv so we have never had cable, but I know I would really enjoy having the BBC channel if we did.

  10. Lovely photos Lorrue, enjoy your weekend. Am hanging out with my two teachers and Claire..I know what you mean by sleeping past 6:30.

  11. Those red leaves! Delightful!

    I hope you'll show us your jacket when your done! Enjoy your weekend!


  12. Those read leaves are so striking! I'm going to do the last bit of gardening today and pack some stuff away for spring and then this evening the penultimate Downton Abbey episode... I can wait as I don't want it to end! Have a wonderful week ahead my lovely xx

  13. Ahh yes, Friday afternoon. That was the day that I left work 2 hours early and went for a paddle around in my dingy - it was SO nice!! We all left work early that day, even the boss! I see you were out enjoying this (October??) weather too, what a great way to start the weekend!

  14. I've had to read back a few posts to catch up with you Lorrie! I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your family (loved that splattered pumpkin pie recipe!). You have some lovely images here of your area, and all of them speak of autumn. That's a nice trim jacket, and the fabric suits it beautifully. Enjoy the sewing,

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    I'm sure that jacket will turn out fabulous! Your Friday evening dinner sounds perfect. I forget who mentioned it first but have you seen Home Fires on PBS yet? The third episode is tonight and I found the first two episodes on demand and am enjoying the show set in WWII England...

  16. What an amazing view from Christmas Hill.
    Lovely Fall Leaves & wow that tree was gnarly and cool looking.
    I think your jacket will look great too, nice fabric choice.

  17. How did the jacket come along? The pattern and fabric look wonderful. Your autumn photos are also a delight.


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