Monday, October 12, 2015


Summer's soft blue blossoms have silently turned to rich shades of purplish wines and pinks more suited to autumn.

There wasn't a lot of quiet yesterday as 11 of us, 8 adults and 3 little ones gathered for Thanksgiving dinner. The littles sat at a table just their size and later watched a movie and played while the adults ate. 

The house is quiet today. We took my parents to the ferry this morning and stopped at Elk Lake on the way home. We hoped for a walk, but the pounding rain deterred us.

Leaves fall on the water to dance slowly in rhythm with the waves. 

The rain slowed to a misty drizzle when we got home so we did a little garden clean up. Then inside for turkey dinner leftovers (yay!) and a slow afternoon full of thankfulness for many, many blessings from the Giver of good things. Life may not be without care, but there is always something for which thanks can be given. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage. 


  1. How pretty it all looked, Lorrie. I love that you had family there for Thanksgiving. Leftovers the next day are the best part of Thanksgiving to me! xo Diana

  2. Happy Thanksgiving, Lorrie! Your table is beautiful draped in the purple hues.
    Yes, you're so right, there is ALWAYS something to be thankful for. In my nightly prayers, I am being mindful of including at least three.

  3. I love the deep burgundy and raspberry colours of autumn. We too had leftover turkey tonight and there's just enough left for my lunch tomorrow.
    We had much to be thankful for as our family gathered together over the weekend.

  4. Lovely photos. I think Thanksgiving leftovers are the best!

  5. Anonymous4:33 PM

    The collage is so pretty! Glad you could spend time with your parents.

  6. How true! No matter what...we always have much to be thankful for. I'm glad you had a wonderful day with family this weekend. I love your beautiful photos. Happy Fall my friend. Hugs, Diane

  7. Sounds like a lovely family time yesterday! We are having a quiet day here today as well...after an enthusiastic Thanksgiving get together yesterday. Happy Thanksgiving.

  8. So beautiful, Lorrie. I think I like the "purples" of fall just as much as the reds, oranges and golds. What a lovely Thanksgiving table. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours :)

  9. Your Thanksgiving celebration with the family sounds perfect!
    Nice to have a quiet day following...that's what we did too!

  10. Beautiful mossaic and photos, Lorrie. I Hope you and your family had a very Happy Thanksgiving and that there will be many new blessings to be thankful for in the year ahead!

  11. The days seem perfect - lots of family and fun and plenty of quiet and leftovers. Your mosaic and photos are lovely.

  12. Lorrie, It's good to have those we love close. The table looks wonderful. I love the yellow leaf on the water. Autumn is here! Sylvia D.

  13. your dinner looks so nice! nice images!

  14. The autumn tones in your collage are beautiful, So nice to have family visit to celebrate your thanks giving.

  15. Thank you, Lorrie, for this beautiful and serene post.
    There's a peaceful autumn atmosphere in your photos... and the purple and pink shades are simply adorable.
    Wishing you and your family lovely autumn days.

  16. A beautiful post, Lorrie. I love all your pictures and the feeling of Thanksgiving you have captured here. Happy Autumn!
    Helen xox

  17. Such beautiful autumnal colours, your table looks so pretty. Have a wonderful week~

  18. Looks like I have missed a couple of your posts. Let's just say, I have been pre-occupied. All of your photos are lovely and I could just smell the pumpkin pie and turkey. We are weeks away from Thanksgiving here. No rain for us. Just record setting heat.Our flowers have faded weeks ago, not turned the lovely darks that you have, just brown and gone. You set a lovely Thanksgiving table and I am sure everyone was quite full when they left the table.

  19. Happy Thanksgiving! Sounds like you had a lovely celebration.

  20. I know I am a day late, but Happy Thanksgiving, dear Lorrie :) Your photos were such a joy to look at. Hugs!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving, glad you had a great time! Your mosaic picture is beautiful, wonderful colours! xx

  22. Sounds like you had a lovely Thanksgiving with family, Lorrie. Your mosaic is so pretty. Enjoy your day.


  23. It looks like a lovely thanksgiving was had at your home. I like the burgundies and plums of your garden and even your tablecloth. The leaves in the water are pretty.

  24. Oh, such lovely sentiments about life-always many concerns and cares, but so much to be thankful for. Your Thanksgiving table setting is lovely, I am drawn to your choice of colors.

  25. Your Autumn table is so elegant; the color choices are amazingly striking :)

  26. I am catching up on your recent posts and enjoying them!

    What a lovely family gathering it must have been...several generations around your table, enjoying the food and one another, offering thanks. (And what a pretty table you set!) I love that you made the pumpkin pie from an old family recipe.

    Your photos are beautiful...the pumpkin, the red blueberry leaves, the golden leaves on the water. Yes, "there is always something for which thanks can be given." And so it isn't too late to say "Happy Thanksgiving" to you, is it? Thankfulness is a choice of the heart.

  27. I agree that it's important to express gratitude in our daily lives!

  28. The dance of the approaching fall with your words is a delight.
    Happy Thanksgiving a bit late.

  29. Hello Lorrie,
    Just a beautiful post and table setting. It looks like a wonderful Thanksgiving was enjoyed and much to be thankful for.
    Loved your tea cup post as well.

  30. Hello, I hope you and your family had a Happy Thanksgiving. I love the pretty flowers and the tablesetting. I agree, we can always find things to be thanksful for. Enjoy your day!

  31. Sounds like a perfect Thanksgiving!


  32. Your Thanksgiving table looked lovely. I enjoyed your fall photos.

  33. Sometimes I think that the leftovers are the best part ; for instance, pumpkin pie for breakfast the next day! :)

    Your table is lovely as is the beautiful scenery...


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