Sunday, October 25, 2015

Autumn's Incongruities

Dull skies. Cozy fire. It was hard to pull ourselves away and go for a walk this afternoon, but walk we did. We got to the point along our route where we either went up and over Christmas Hill or turned back towards home. Eyes met. We sighed and began trudging up the stone stairs. The view at the top rewarded us. At least a 180 degree view of water, mountains and clouds. 

This poor little hydrangea blossom doesn't realize it's October, not June. 

Likewise the new magnolia tree we planted in the spring. I thought we purchased a spring-blooming variety, but perhaps it's the fall one. We'll see what happens in April.

The strawberry plants are just plain crazy. Will the warm weather hang on enough to harvest these berries? We did pick a big bowl of raspberries yesterday. 

It really is autumn. Leaves whirl off the trees and scuttle along the street turning cartwheels. Diligent homeowners rake up huge piles for collection. I was tempted to dig in and throw them into the air. But I resisted.

I'll be linking with Mosaic Monday, hosted by Judith. 


  1. We have had a beautiful autumn on the coast, haven't we? I'm just on my way home from Edmonton where it was -4 this morning. What a shock that was!

  2. Your walk sounds very rewarding. Our pepper plants are still producing. I think all of our plants are confused with this never ending Summer. Rain is expected for Northern California this week. I hope we do get some.

  3. Or you could just jump in the mountain of leaves! did you do that as a child?
    Our Autumn here is still sunny in patches, but now the nights are drawing in and Winter is on the horizon.

  4. It's almost always worth the effort to go out for a walk isn't it no matter what the weather. We too have strawberries in bloom and even some fruit though of course they will not ripen now without the warmth of the sun. Plants all seem to be as confused about the seasons as we are! Like Elizabethd I would have loved to have jumped in that pile of leaves!

  5. Late bloomers indeed! Wow. I hope the strawberries will provide a late treat for you. Have a wonderful week Lorrie.

  6. I do not always do a good job of keeping up with all of the blog post, so I have missed of your good stuff. We always seem to appreciate the late bloomers. The colors in the hydrangea are just too gorgeous.

  7. Good for you to keep going to the top!! You did get a great some great pictures! We have our leaves piled and ready to haul away...I think some neighbour boys may like to jump in them first though!! Have a great day!

  8. My hubby hates clearing up the leaves, especially when I come along and kick them in the air again! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your bowl of strawberries, let's hope they come through soon :-) xx

  9. Hello, it is nice to see these late bloomers. Pretty flowers. I love the gorgeous view, what a great place for a walk. I hope the warm weather sticks around for a while. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  10. lovely of you to share your walk with us; have a happy week

    much love...

  11. Even blooming at an inappropriate time the flowers are lovely.
    Winter seems to be fast approaching.....stay warm!

  12. Harvesting berries in the fall would be wonderful!! Hope the strawberries make it :)

  13. Ha-ha! I like that you trudged up the stairs. I find when I push myself to just do it, I always feel happy and more energetic. :)

  14. Such beautiful late bloomers and a really tempting pile of autumn leaves! :)
    Oh, I would love to live near a hill with that name. Do you know why it's called Christmas Hill?
    Have a lovely new week!

  15. I'm glad you went up the hill - the views are fantastic. We've noticed a few things here also that think it is spring again - the rhubarb is sprouting - I guess the rain we've had after a long dry spell in the summer has fooled some of the plants - lovely photos - hope the strawberries get ripe.

  16. Your walk is just gorgeous.
    Yes, the garden does get confused. We have strawberry blossoms and the hydrangeas too. A few raspberries still on the vine, though they are quite small though still tasty. Happy Autumn days to you!

  17. That is a pretty view - I'd say worth the hike.
    Lovely flowers. I think they have become (mixed up) at what time of year to bloom due to such warm weather. My Azalea has bloomed in October for 2 years now instead of in the spring as we've had very warm fall weather.

  18. What a gorgeous view! Your photos are amazing...can't believe those plants got all confused about the season!

  19. It is interesting to see what plants are doing out of their normal seasons isn't it, they do get up to some funny things at funny times of year! xx

  20. Christmas Hill? How wonderful to have Christmas Hill near you!

    I do so love your line of the leaves scuttling along and can just picture them turning cartwheels. Lovely writing, Lorrie.

  21. Good for you for getting out and walking, and them for walking all the way up the hill. I might have stayed by the fire.

  22. I wanted to jump into the pile of leaves featured in your last photo. Hee! I finally caved and wore my winter coat for the first time today. Brrrr!

  23. Your naughty thought about the leaf pile me smile!
    That little hydrangea does look out of place! Sure definition of a late bloomer.

  24. Good for you for getting out for that walk and sharing what you saw...

  25. Come on Lorrie, let your inner child out and throw the leaves up in the air! Our poor plants get confused when the weather is up and down but one last pretty is always welcome.
    Our walks our getting longer and sometimes I just can't do the extra distance because my darn knee still hurts from the meniscal tear surgery way back in April. Hmm, getting older and feeling it too. LOL Good for you two though!

  26. It would be fun to jump in the leaves! Yesterday we were at the beach and I was tempting to jump in the ocean and get wet all over. Maybe we should double dare each other.....and live it up! heehee! Hugs, Diane

  27. The flowers are so beautiful and the leaf pile reminds me of all that I have left to rake, blow and get rid of, yet they also remind me of the many fun times of the daughters and grands jumping in, and maybe even sometimes the dogs as well~

  28. I'd have been tempted as well. . . not sure I could have resisted! ;-)


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