Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paying Attention

"Instructions for living a life:
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it."

These words from a poem by Mary Oliver came to mind as I looked at some of my recent photos. Tiny succulents sprawl on rocks. Ferns spring up from mossy soil, so happy now that the rains have come.

It is true that life is a mixed drink of joy and anguish. Paying attention to the beauty of God's creation is one way I fortify myself against some of the anguish. It doesn't change the pain, but it changes me as I come to grips with the tiny part I play in life on this earth. 

Here's paying attention of another kind - attention to detail. I'm pleased with the way my jacket turned out - it fits well, it's comfortable, and it's stylish. It's not perfect. 

As I pack up my school bag and head out the door, I wish you all a day that has moments of astonishment. Pay attention. Tell about it. I'd love to hear.


  1. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Fabulous jacket. Mary Oliver is a favorite of my daughter. Love those lines. We have really been experiencing the contrast of Joy and Sorrow at this old house. It's so good to have the joy mixed in.

  2. Oh my that turned out very well indeed and you AND your jacket look gorgeous! :)

  3. Love that quote by Mary Oliver. Love the jacket too!

  4. What a great picture of you sporting that great jacket! You are so talented on that sewing machine! Thanks for your words...we have some sorrow mixed in with joy here too....I have to stay focused on the positive and the blessings that we have, and leave the rest to God. :)

  5. So true Lorrie, it's about your perspective. And your new jacket is great. How you have time to sew and teach is amazing to me!

  6. That is one of my favorite poems - it is my life guide. Once someone said to me - "you find the most astonishing things to photograph, I just don't see life as being that way." I find that sad - just looking for the beauty, joy, happiness in the world makes us see the possibilities of a situation or scene. I think you do that so well - love the photos and the details that you bring to us - and love love love that jacket. Also. your header is fantastic!! Happy rest of the week.

  7. Elegant jacket Lorrie, well done.
    Today my moments of astonishment were as I was roped in to help with a Christmas craft afternoon at the Community hospital (where my husband is at the moment). It seemed very odd to have Carols, mince pies and be making Christmas decorations!

  8. I love your jacket Lorrie! It came out beautifully and looks wonderful on you. Great photo of you!! I like the thought you shared about paying attention. I am always looking out my windows 'paying attention' not just to the weather, but to the details of nature that I see. Everywhere I go I'm looking and savouring the beauty around us and usually capturing it with my camera. I believe that the saying - God is in the details - applies to our world as much as our lives. Lovely post!

  9. Marvelous! You look marvelous wearing it!

    I was mildly astonished to see how much color remains in these closing days of October. Quite lovely. It looks quite a bit like spring in your corner.

  10. You made that? Wow, it's stunning, and it fits you very nicely. I love it, and you did a great job, what's next?


  11. I was going to ask the same question -- you made that?! It looks amazing! You are so cute! I agree, paying attention to beauty is one way of being thankful and shoring ourselves up against the difficulties of life. There is always something beautiful to notice, even in the midst of sorrow.
    I'm sorry I'm behind in visiting. Hope to catch up with a few of your previous posts that I missed. xo Deborah

  12. You look wonderful, Lorrie! Great jacket!

    Enjoyed your thoughts about beauty and the exquisite role it plays in giving us hope and healing during troubled times. There are so many troubles on every front ... . but everywhere we turn He is there and his fingerprints of beauty in every unexpected corner.

    Sending hugs,

  13. Anonymous5:05 AM

    If I could sew a jacket that looks that great, I'd be smiling too. Nice job. :-)

  14. Fantastic jacket. Paying attention ti so important, no matter what we are doing or what is happening around us.

  15. Your jacket turned out great! And it looks great on you! Win-win!


  16. That is a wonderful poem isn't it! I have taken notice and noticed that your jacket is fabulous and looks really great modelled on someone as beautiful as you!! xx

  17. Beautiful post, image and in word...and such truth. Love the are such a cutie! :)

  18. First off, Lorrie, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the jacket. You did an amazing job on it. Also, I try everyday to notice the little things that might seem unimportant to some...the tilt of a bird's head, the way a leaf flutters to the ground. We are all made up of those small precious moments in life. xo Diana

  19. Your jacket is just wonderful. What a good job!
    A friend often has said "notice what you notice" and I try to do that each day with my camera. Loving the leaves on my lawn right now. It has felt good to get out and do little things in the yard or take a walk in the dampness of the autumn day.

  20. Pay attention: a teacher's mantra, don't you think? The jacket looks wonderful and who would know it isn't perfect?

  21. Great jacket and a lovely photo of you! Well done!

    Happy weekend!

    Madelief x


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