Sunday, October 18, 2015

A Sunday Afternoon Walk

Sunday afternoon. Time for a good long walk. This trail will take us around Thetis Lakes, both Upper and Lower. He's in a short-sleeved t-shirt, me in a long-sleeved one. The weather is fine, with dull skies through which the sun breaks in welcome bits of brilliance.

When I look at maps of Canada, I'm struck by the generous sprinkling of lakes. Fresh water is a precious resource that we must protect. On Thetis Lake, no motors are allowed. Here a canoe glides behind the screen of trees along the trail.

The leaves are falling fast. In just a few more weeks the branches will be bare. 

A curled leaf on a fallen tree, both slowly returning to earth. Textures galore. 

Colors superimpose in layers, always against the evergreens that dominate the landscape.

Our hiking loop has taken about an hour and a half, including a little time for photo stops. Home again to the welcoming scent of roast beef in the slow cooker. A cup of tea and some blog reading before I make dinner. 

Linking with Mosaic Monday hosted by Judith of Lavender Cottage Gardening. 


  1. Amazing photos, Lorrie! You are good!

    It is wonderful that no motors are allowed on this lake and the quiet must make a walk here so restorative. You live in such a wonderful area!


  2. I also like that this lake does not allow motors, Lorrie It must help to keep the lake pure and preserve the tranquility, All your photos are so lovely and display autumn in its glory!

  3. The colours of autumn make the woodland look to be on fire. I love these rusty colours x

  4. The colours of autumn make the woodland look to be on fire. I love these rusty colours x

  5. ow lovely to be able to take such a walk and still be home in time for the meal! It looks beautiful where you live.

  6. You have some gorgeous scenery around you, AND you do it justice!
    Yes, I love the textures of a walk, too...and the patterns...the beauty of way the leaves are scattered on the ground is mesmerising.
    I think those kind of experiences are very refreshing for our brains!
    Have a good week, Lorrie :D

  7. So beautiful! I love this time of year, and I love time spent on a lake! We haven't been up to the family cottage in several years, we'll have to try to get a visit in next year!


  8. Oh, such gorgeous photos you have shared in this post!! I am an autumn-loving girl, and these scenes fill my cup. You have an eye for beauty, every season. His world is full of treasures!

  9. It has been so bitterly cold with our Canadian weather system that I am cozying down inside. I must get out and rake a bit, though, as people must walk in leaves above their ankles to get to my door...unacceptable. At 38°F, it will be chilly. Love seeing all your photos. We have a number of lakes where swimming is prohibited, but the motor boats still are allowed, which gives one pause. I could build a room around the colors in your last photo. In fact, I think I already have.

  10. Hello, lovely colors and fall images. What a pretty spot for a walk, it is nice that no motor boats are allowed on the lakes. It is a good idea to protect the water. The last image is my favorite. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  11. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Ahhh....lovely fall scenery you captured. I'd love to walk there. Have a good week!

  12. So beautiful, Lorrie! I'm in love with the last photo. :)
    Have a lovely week!

  13. I do love your walks. The landscape where you live is so beautiful. I wish every lake had no motor requirements. But then I also wish they would out law blowers and everyone would use rakes again to clean the yards and parks. Our nearest lake is barely a puddle now do to the drought. But thankfully our many rivers are quite full. Water is the most valuable resource. We truly cannot live without it.

  14. Oh wow! what beautiful autumn images - that canoe, the leaves, the colours and textures are wonderful. I imagined your walk and returning home to a slow cooked meal - pure Heaven!!

  15. You have a beautiful loop to walk Lorrie with so much of nature's beauty. I wish more inland lakes would become motor free but ours will never change, it's too big. When we moved to the area and had a boat we were told to watch for submerged ice fishing huts that will float to the surface. Ugh!
    I'll be coming home tomorrow to the scent of a pork roast in my crock pot, they were the best invention. It's my hubby's birthday and I'll be out in the morning at Bible study but smug in knowing roast, potatoes and some veggies are cooking away.

  16. What a beautiful walk! Gorgeous photos and thoughts to go with them.

    Wishing you a beautiful day...

  17. What a beautiful place to go for a weekend walk! xx

  18. Very pretty fall photos. Looks like a great place for a walk, one I would enjoy.

  19. Sounds delightful! Now I must look on a map and see exactly where those lakes are.

  20. How I would love walking with you here. This is just beautiful and the perfect things to do on an Autumn day.

  21. Such a pleasant place for a walk. Lovely fall colors.

  22. Wonderful fall photos and it sounds like a perfect Sunday afternoon. We need to soak up the fall colors and the cool air before winter arrives!

  23. Looks like a lovely place for a walk. Fall is such a great time of year for getting out and enjoying nature's beauty. Coming home to a roast beef dinner sounds like the perfect ending to a wonderful day. Your last photo is particularly striking. Gorgeous colors.

  24. Thank YOU Lorrie! With all the home stuff going on here, I miss the outdoors so very much and this post was such a treat:) Thank YOU!
    Blessings, Aimee

  25. Oh my! Such lovely scenery. Beautiful images. I wish this country would learn to respect the environment. All the waste and littering is really starting to get to me these days. Every single day their cars are cleaned and any trash inside is promptly cleared out onto the street or parking lot. How does that even make sense? Depressing.

  26. That looks like a lovely trail for a nice hike. And home to roast beef sounds excellent! Have a great week.

  27. What beauty surrounds you, Lorrie! Oh, how I wish I could tag along with you. My late beloved and I used to love hiking together and I miss that. I'm sure the smell of roast beef upon opening the door was so welcoming.

  28. Such beautiful shots,,,I especially like the leaf curled up on the fallen log. Great colors and texture. Happy Tuesday to you!

  29. That's my favorite way to spend time! We hiked yesterday again and it was beautiful. I love this time of year and your amazing photos! Enjoy your week! Hope you have nice weather. Sweet hugs, Diane

  30. Still beautiful Fall foliage there, Lorrie, and nice weather!
    Do you get much snow fall where you live. I'm thinking it's probably wet snow...

  31. Stunning images of fall and nothing I'd rather be doing! I am just getting caught up on my blogs :)

  32. Absolutely wonderful fall photos, I can see you had a wonderful weekend,


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