Sunday, October 04, 2015

These October Days

These early October days hang, suspended between full summer and dark November. The blue bowl of the sky seems rounder, its shape accentuated by sharp silhouettes of trees and hills. 

As the days slip by and we go about our daily tasks - home, work, school, church, community - each of us absorbed with life. But for some these days hang, suspended between hope and despair. 

A young couple loses their first baby just days after birth. They go home from the hospital with empty, aching hearts. In tears I pray for comfort.

Friends wait for appointments, slow to come, to determine the cause of worrisome symptoms. Frustration mingles with fear of the unknown. I pray for peace and action.

Rose hips hang now against the blue sky where scented wild roses once arched. To everything a season.

Others I know embark upon waiting, too. Days are filled with the ordinary tasks, but behind each one lies questions. I pray for grace.

And still the sun shines, the leaves delight with their colors, and the marvelous beauty of this paradoxical world fills us with wonder and gratitude.

Linking to Mosaic Monday


  1. What lovely thoughts and photos. Aren't we having the nicest weather?

  2. You manage to write words with no music that sound like a song. :) Beautiful images and thoughts. Blessings and comfort to all who are worried and sick and in despair.

  3. I love Tammy's comment - so beautifully expressed as is this post. Yes, we are right there in the in-between trying to find balance and instill care when we can.

  4. Always beautiful photos, and lyrical words that go together telling a story in just a sentence. You've brightened a rainy grey day for me.

  5. So much beauty in your images and so much sadness and worries.
    Praying for help for all in need of relief and comfort.

  6. As always, perfect.

  7. Anonymous4:04 AM

    Beautiful fall photos. May all those in your life waiting for answers and dealing with loss receive the peace, strength and support they need to face each new day.

  8. Hello,Lorrie,
    Lovely purple flowers in the wood and the close up photo!Your have already have a beautiful autumn.
    Here,in my area, leaves are still green. I really like your header too!
    Have a happy new week.

  9. The sadness in your heart sounds heavy this morning. I am sorry. The red leaf rather says it all.

  10. Beautiful post, Lorrie.

    Prayers for all for peace and grace in every circumstance.

    I love your red leaf photo. That would make a lovely print for the home!


  11. This post stirs the heartstrings. I am moved by the great needs for strength and comfort. I will pray for those who are struggling. Your words are so beautiful and speak of hope!

  12. You are right...the world keeps turning and we have to accept the good with the bad. Beautiful images and sobering words....everything works together for those that love the Lord. Lovely post, Lorrie.

  13. Your photos are beautiful and hide the sadness that our world and our lives carry. Blessings to you and yours.

  14. Beautiful Lori! I especially like the top photo with the purple woodland flowers. So pretty!

    Happy week!

    Madelief x

  15. Such touching words. Beautiful photograph of the cyclamen. I hope that all is well with you. xx

  16. Joy in this dazzling Autumn is all the more poignant in the face of troubles like those you mention. And those you gracefully allude to. Prayers...

  17. Marvelous, lyrical writing. I expect to read you some day and I don't mean here. =D

  18. Beautiful, thought-provoking post, Lorrie. My heart goes out to the couple who've lost a baby. What heartache! I pray to become more aware of others' hurts and needs.

  19. Oh my Lorrie, losing a baby is true heartache. I lost two, through miscarriages, before my four were born. I also find that the older I get, the longer my prayer list is. Your photos show that there is still hope and beauty, if we enjoy the present. Thanks for your beautiful writing, Lorrie.

  20. I never thought of the blue bowl of the sky being rounder. I will have to pay better attention. I appreciated your thoughts here today. God brings beauty in the midst of sorrow. Good words and lovely first photo mosaic.

  21. You've shared some heartfelt thoughts in this post and some fabulous photos of beauty to accompany them.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  22. What a beautiful post, Lorrie! It certainly gave us some food for thought.

  23. Always that the mix of bitter-sweet in our lives. In our upsidedown world, I'm so grateful for the beauty that gives us reprieve and comfort. How often my heart wings prayers for those laden heavy with cares. Sending wishes of grace for your own day today, Lorrie.

    Beautiful photos ... loved, loved the red maple leaf one.


  24. Lovely meditative words and thoughts. That red leaf in the last photo just sings to my heart.

  25. Anonymous4:29 PM

    So much to pray for and we are so privileged to have access to the throne room! May God comfort that dear young couple who lost their baby...

  26. Waxing lyrical is what you do so well dear Lorrie.
    From the heart and I feel for all those experiencing the hard days on their journey through life.
    Sending prayers and hugs for each one - you touched my heart today.
    Shane x


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