Thursday, October 01, 2015

Mellow Days

Another October rolls round. My birthday month, but not until the end. Days of cooling nights and still sunny days. Pumpkins and apples. Pears and warming soups. Thanksgiving.

Golden rushes that will soon burst those fat tails. Photo taken in Alberta - ours here have long flung their seeds to the four corners on the wind.

Last Friday 45 of us (40 students + 5 chaperons) boarded a big yellow school bus. Over the water we went to Vancouver, to see Bard on the Beach - a yearly venue for Shakespeare productions. The Comedy of Errors was playing, with a steampunk theme. Delightful! We all laughed at the antics and wit of the actors. I especially enjoyed the costumes and set changes.

Home again, over the water as the sun drifts lower toward the horizon. Misty islands. Sculptured clouds. 

Over the weekend I tried out a new recipe from another blogger. Penny of The Comforts of Home posted this a few weeks ago. Slow Cooker Chicken Chile. Delicious! This hearty dish will become a regular around here. The only changes I made was to use one can of beans in place of two. 

The slow cooker has become a dear friend as I've transitioned back to work. It's a wonderful thing to walk across the parking lot after classes and know that dinner is mostly prepared.

And so begins October. How's it looking around your place?


  1. Great photos, our friends were at Bard on the Beach as well..they loved it..happy Oct 1st:)

  2. What beautiful photos. Love the one with the cat tails. Thank you for linking to my chicken chili post. I am glad you liked it! Happy October 1st!

  3. Sounds like a beautiful autumn is heading your way! That is a lovely group of pumpkins and squashes in the first photo! xx

  4. What a sweet post, Lorrie. My slow cooker is my best friend on busy days, too. I have chicken soup going in my own today. Love Shakespeare with a steam punk theme. lol xo Diana

  5. Lorrie, your posts always leave me with a sense of peace and quietude.

    Now, don't laugh but I have heard so much about these slow-cookers but I don't think we have the same thing in France. Are they like what we used to call "crock-pots" in the 70s? That stew looks amazing!

    As a former classical actress, I thank you for going to see and support the Bard. :)

  6. That dish looks great and It's nice to see these relaxed autumnal images from your corner of the world.

  7. I love the photo of the pumpkins on the windowsill. And the view of the water late day is so pretty. How fun to take the students to the play on the mainland. October came really fast and will quickly unwind it's days. I hope to enjoy more of nature before it gets too cold here. Have a super weekend.

  8. The lighting in the first photo is just so beautiful. Nothing like the splendor of fall. Happy October!

  9. Fall appears to have started off on a good note in your corner, Lorrie.
    The pumpkin photo is so pretty. Are they from your garden?
    Your field trip sounds like a fun day.
    I completely agree with your thoughts on coming home to dinner in the slow cooker. Truly a wonderful thing. I'm off to check out the recipe. It looks fabulous.

  10. Happy October, sweet Lorrie! Autumn is here {{smiles}} Hugs!

  11. Steampunk Shakespeare...interesting. Guess one would have to have been there. I'm still trying to imagine. Gotta say that I don't miss those big yellow schoolbus days, but I did enjoy class trips.

    The chicken chili sure looks good for chilly autumn days. Our day was cold and damp.

  12. Anonymous4:26 PM

    That really sounds like a fun play!
    The chicken chili looks just right. It is great to have dinner simmering away while you are elsewhere!
    October begins with visitors from southern California through the weekend so that means my house is clean! Yay!
    There's a pumpkin dessert baking in the oven right now...
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  13. What a lovely post and oh how I wish I could have been a mouse in your pocket and gone to see The Comedy of Errors with you and your students. The Seattle Shakespeare company comes to our town every few years and puts on a play for one night. We try to make it when we can. There is a small town just north of us that has a community theater and we go a couple times a year. There is just something about live performances that can not be beat.
    Love your photography and you inspired me to get the crock pot out of the cupboard. I really need to use it more than I do.
    Have a sweet weekend.
    Connie :)

  14. Love the idea of that field trip from the island to Vancouver!
    My daughter's drama class went to see Bard on the Beach, but I've never gone.

  15. I love the squash along the windowsill! So colorful and warm and autumnal!

    October sounds delightful in your corner of the world. I kind of wish that American Thanksgiving was in October, not as close to Christmas.

  16. Great photos - the chicken chili sounds perfect for an autumn day. Hasn't our weather been fabulous? I keep expecting the rains - but looks like more sunshine this weekend. So far I've been able to avoid turning on the furnace - not sure how much longer that will last.

  17. October is looking just fine around here. So far! What a beautiful day! Your chicken chili looks delicious! I cooked a pot of chicken corn chowder today...and it looks quite similar to your chicken chili.

    Fun outing for your drama class. I;ve heard much about Bard on the Beach...but have never been!

  18. I always enjoy seeing your lovely photos. October is looking great in your house. I wish we had plays like that to see where I live. We do have English TV so I get my fix from good classic plays shown on BBC channels. Autumn is late arriving here, I'm still clinging onto summer as long as I can., Mr France has started to light our wood burner for the chilly evenings.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  19. Enjoyed my visit and so many pretty Autumnal shares, and then I got to the chili image. I need to get my recipe version out and make some too. Yours looks a lot like mine will. Happy weekend~

  20. Anonymous4:35 AM

    October always brings a fair amount of outside work to get everything brought inside, plants moved, perennials deadheaded, and getting things ready for the winter. I'm with you about slow cooked food - I look forward to it. :-)

  21. What lovely images to capture the early slide into fall : )

  22. Steampunk and the Bard. How wonderful. Lucky you. The soup looks so delicious. I should put a pot of beans on in the mornings, too. I am up early enough. Loved the window shot. Have a good weekend.

  23. Yes, it's hard to believe that October is here. A slow cooker full of chili sounds just right and I might give that recipe a try next week.

  24. Your first photo is so autumn looking and just lovely. Your post reflects the changing season. And thanks for the chili recipe. Looks good! Love that soup season is here!

  25. My daughter went to Bard on the beach also! There seem to be so many lovely outdoor things playing in Vancouver.

  26. Our cat tails look like the ones in your photos. We've had frost for the last four nights and the furnace kicked on during the night...
    We had old fashioned chili the other day, but this chicken chili sure sounds good. I remember my working days, Lorrie, when I used my slow cooker too. The last thing you want to do after work is cook a full meal!

  27. I love your mellow days Lorrie.
    There's such comfort in the thought of a tasty meal cooking in the crockpot.
    It makes me wish I made better use of mine this past Winter - I'm keeping Penny's chicken recipe until cooler days come around again!

  28. Enjoyed the last two posts... How lovely to meet a fellow blogger!
    And that photo of Bulrushes (as we call them) is stunning. I live in a road called Bulrush Close, but not for much longer!
    Slow cookers are great, aren't they? Good to come home to.
    Wishing you golden days and cosy nights x

  29. Beautiful texts and lovely images! The chicken chili looks really delicious.
    Have a great weekend and a happy October!

  30. Hi Lorrie, what a wonderful autumn post ... love the soup, it looks so yummy ... especially since our weather has turned quite chilly (literally over night)

  31. Lorrie, what a lovely autumn post! I so enjoyed reading about your trip on the yellow school bus and your Shakespeare event. What fun!

    Your photography is always a beautiful treat for the eyes and soul!

    Wishing you a beautiful day...

  32. I must be losing it (or have already lost it)...I could have sworn I left you a comment here before. I might have been visiting and got sidetracked by something...grrr....
    Anyway, those are ALL great pictures and that soup looks WONDERFUL. It is chilly night soup weather here, too. Take good care- xo Diana

  33. What fun to have seen it Steam Punk fashion! I would never have thought of doing that.

    My favorite season too, and your post reminded me that my Canadian friends would be celebrating Thanksgiving this month.

    I hope your work goes well and the slow cooker keeps cooking! I saw chicken chili at another blog today and now I've got to get my recipe out!

  34. Oh that chili looks great! I am starved right now and it would hit the spot. :) Fall is here and it is finally cooler and we're getting some much needed rain. Makes me feel cozy. Have a great weekend! Kit

  35. Sounds like a great field trip. October started out very humid over here but has gotten better in the past day.

  36. With hearty dishes like that one could welcome not only autumn, even winter!

  37. The slow cooker chicken chili looks delicious. I tried a new soup this week myself made with lima beans that was tasty. Using the crock pot even for us still at home is a treat with the knowledge that dinner is ready and we can spend the day being busy or lounging around with a good book.

  38. Reading your October posts is giving tendencies of love toward Autumn. Now tomorrow I return to Summer in California, but I will return to Autumn again next week and totally embrace it then.


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