Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Everyday Happenings

Yesterday afternoon I stepped out onto the porch for just a few minutes to capture the light on these forsythia leaves. Their autumn color definitely harkens back (or ahead) to the yellow blossoms of early spring. 

My weekend activities were waylaid by the above. It arrived last week and I resisted for a couple of days, but then gave in to "just starting." Well, we all know how THAT goes. Housework and sewing went out the window until the book was finished. I did finish it before returning to school on Monday or I don't know what I would have done.

Quite frequently I catch a student with a book on his or her lap while I am giving the class instruction. I tell them to close the book and pay attention in a no-nonsense tone. I'm inwardly sympathetic, for I was one of those students, trying to secretly read while the teacher nattered on and on. And I was often caught, too. 

Now that the book is finished, I am concentrating on the sewing. Thanks for asking how it's going. Tim was away at a conference last night, so I stayed up waaaaay too late and just have to insert the sleeve linings and hem the lining. That's tonight's work. Hopefully. It's turning out well. 

Arriving home from school, I made a cup of tea and lit a pumpkin scented candle. The magazine was purchased when I bought groceries earlier this week, but it's not yet been opened. That's a delight to anticipate. I'm not entirely undisciplined!

I just swallowed the last bit of tea - rather cold now, and it's time to think about dinner. Chicken breasts with sauteed mushrooms with peas in a light sauce, some coucous or quinoa, a simple salad.

Were you ever caught reading while the teacher was talking?  


  1. I guess I never thought of reading while the teacher was talking - but I certainly did read during study hall - hoping that because I had a book out I would go unnoticed and not have to get out the math homework.

    Your bush is beautiful - bright and shiny on these cloudy days. We had rain down here - I'm guess you did too.

  2. Anonymous4:57 AM

    LOL I went to Catholic School, and the nuns didn't tolerate reading in class. I read a lot at home and still do. There is something about reading a book that you can't put down - pure adventure. :-)

  3. Autumn light is that photo. The same sort of glow occurs in the morning on my neighbor's maple tree.

    LOL I was that student with the book under the book too! I had one under the history book, etc. Finally one English teacher just LET me read what I wanted as long as it was a classic and I kept up with the other stuff.

  4. All looks warm and cozy at your house. Here we have rain, finally. It is nearly 7 AM; where is the sun? We will be switching to Mountain Standard Time Nov. 1 then we have early morning sun for a bit. The book looks wonderful. I am the same way with a good book; don't get anything else done until the book is finished. Have a wonderful weekend.

  5. I think the most delightful of those who sneak reading are the new readers who are discovering chapter books and find a flashlight to read in bed at night to finish an exciting chapter --or just beg mom to let them finish a chapter before turning out the light. That's a hard thing for a parent! :-)

    I've heard various opinions about the new SB book. What did you think? Apparently it was that good that you read it quickly.

  6. I don't recall that I ever took a book to school to read during class. I guess I would just daydream instead and get notice from the teacher now and then for doing that. :) Is that book written by Susan Branch? What type of book is it? I love a good page turner. I'm almost finished one of those and stayed awake until 1:00 AM (hubby was away) reading! I should finish it right now - only about a dozen pages left. I enjoy pumpkin spice scented candles too. So homey.

  7. Yes, that would be dreaming too...maybe I sneaked a book or two in...actually, yes, I remember doing it because I would open the book I was sneaking and lay inside the open text book I was supposed to be reading! Still waiting for some lovely color here...there isn't much yet.

  8. Yes, I was caught reading when the teacher was talking...I remember it clearly! I still love to read and get totally absorbed in a book as you did here. Glad you got lots of sewing done...and your pumpkin candle sounds lovely.
    Helen xox

  9. My reading addiction came much later in life. How I wish I was reading like that at a younger age. Just finished that same book. Can't wait for the next one now. Susan Branch has such a nice way of writing.

  10. I enjoy reading, however, I am very much a cold weather reader. I am so busy with other activities that steal my lief away and reading is saved for when I tuck myself in for a long cold day with much to do and no notion in wanting to get it done~

  11. I never read during class time. I actually hated reading in class when we were supposed to because I was such a slow reader. All I could hear were the other kids turning the pages long before I finished a page, so I would turn the pages along with everyone else so I didn't look like I was so slow. I've sped up considerably since then ;)

  12. I was always caught :-) I love getting lost in a good book, I lose all sense of time.

  13. I'd forgotten about that...reading in class. I recall doing that...but don't actually remember getting caught. Now...I must check out that Susan Branch book.

  14. We had lots of time to read in elementary school since it was 8 grades and we took turns with the teacher (who happened to be my Dad!) and did homework and read the rest of the time. I loved reading so in the evenings when Mom asked me help with some kitchen chores, my favorite reply was "just one more chapter, Mom"?. I think I read every book in our school travelling library plus any newspaper or magazine that came to the house. Nowadays I still can't put a book down once started but I don't allow myself to read too often.
    Your pumpkin candle looks inviting!

  15. I LOVE forsythia leaves in the autumn just like I love the yellow, cheerful blossoms in the spring!
    Blessings, Aimee

  16. Yep! So often it was when I'd already finished whatever work we were supposed to be doing, but it still seemed necessary to hide the fact that I was reading for pleasure. Was that the crime? The pleasure of reading?

  17. You are very disciplined! And I'm so glad that at heart you understand the book in the lap student. I was one too.

    Gorgeous shot of the forsythia leaves!

  18. Oh I was the WORST at reading when I wasn't supposed to! I still, to this day, would rather read a good book over most activities.

    Have a lovely fall weekend.

  19. I always thought of reading as a guilty pleasure. Yes, I was caught and caught again.
    I use go back to learn what it is that your are sewing.

  20. I was too scared at school to read, but I would have if I hadn't been so scared! I can understand why you found your new book hard to resist, I get tempted with new books too! xx

  21. I love books and I always have. However I never read in school when I wasn't supposed to. I did daydream the odd time though. I usually only read at night now because I'm too busy in the daytime. If I did pick up a book in the daytime, nothing would get done. Enjoy your weekend.

    Autumn blessings,

  22. Of course I was, reading was escapism from the hustle of high school for me...I guess now they would say I was a introvert. In those days they didn't understand the lure of

    I got in trouble a few times too many back then.


  23. I applaud kids who are still reading today when so many have been lured away by technology. I doubt I ever got caught reading, though I was a voracious reader, especially at the age of 12. I probably did get caught doodling and my report cards always said I talked too much in class.


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