Sunday, January 27, 2008

Friday Night Dinner - Raclette

I have always been fascinated by the way people eat in the books I read. When I read the Heidi books as a child I thought the meal she had with her grandfather of boiled potatoes and cheese toasted over the fire was picturesque and delicious. When I discovered that such a meal was called raclette, and was still eaten in France and Switzerland, I wanted to try it.

When we lived in Ecuador, we enjoyed a raclette meal with Sandra and André, she French, and he Swiss. They had the modern version of Heidi's grandfather's toasting fork and fire - an electric appliance with a heating element. What fun! When they left Ecuador, I purchased the appliance from them and brought it back to Canada with me. I've seen them in stores here now.

It's a make your own meal and lots of fun. Relaxing for a Friday night. All the cook has to do is cut up bits of vegetables - mushrooms, red pepper, onion, cooked broccoli, potatoes - anything goes. Everyone chooses what they want to eat and sautés their veggies in individual dishes. Then you can add ham, eggs, cheese and put it under the raclette broiler for a toasty treat. Serve with popovers and pickles, or a green salad.
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  1. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Snow day greetings, Lorrie! Your raclette meal is a wonderful idea. We had that at a Swiss restaurant in Quito, just off Carolina Park. I think I'll add this to my file of "soon to make" meals. Thanks for sharing it!
    Karen Schmidt

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    oh wow!
    I LOVE raclette!
    I ate it a few times when I lived in France and have wanted to try it myself :)
    You are motivating me to search for such a machine

  3. Anonymous5:54 AM

    I remember reading about that meal in Heidi too! It looks so simple and delicious.


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