Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday Dinner

Well, I see that this looks very similar to last night's meal, but it's not, really. It's a sole fillet on roasted carrots and leeks with a yummy garlic/butter/orange sauce. There's a triangle of oven-toasted tortilla with seasonings on it, and steamed broccoli.

The sauce for the fish is one I got off the Food Network - Everyday Italian. Don't be scared by the anchovies. They melt down with the garlic and orange and don't taste fishy at all.

Roasted Carrots and Leeks

6 medium to large carrots, peeled and sliced on the diagonal, about 1/4 inch thick
4 leeks, trimmed and washed thoroughly, cut in half lengthwise and then sliced into 2 inch pieces
3 Tablespoons olive oil, divided
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 410 degrees. In skillet, heat 1 1/2 Tablespoons of the oil over medium heat. Add the carrots and pan roast until starting to colour on the bottom - about 5 minutes. Turn and let cook another 5 minutes. Remove carrots from pan and turn onto rimmed baking sheet. Place in heated oven to continue cooking. Meanwhile, add remaining olive oil to skillet and sauté leeks until just starting to colour, about 5 minutes. Stir and cook another 5 minutes. Place in oven on same baking sheet as carrots. Bake about 15 minutes more until tender.

Just before serving, cook the sole fillets and sauce.

Citrus Bagna Cauda Sole Fillets

2 cloves garlic, minced
1 Tablespoon olive oil
2 Tablespoons butter
4 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
1 tsp orange zest
3 Tablespoons orange juice

sole fillets
olive oil
salt and pepper

Heat oil and butter. Add garlic and anchovies. Cook over medium heat (don't let it brown) until garlic is tender and anchovies are mostly dissolved. Stirring as they cook helps. Add orange juice and zest and heat through.
Meanwhile, in same skillet as you cooked the vegetables, heat another Tablespoon of olive oil and quickly fry the sole fillets - however many you need. Season the sole to taste.

To serve, pile up carrots and leeks, top with a sole fillet and drizzle a generous amount of sauce over top.
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:10 AM

    This sounds so good!
    I just started the challenge and I am making sole tonite.
    THanks for sharing.


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