Monday, January 14, 2008


I am having so much fun with the Winterbella crafts designed by Teresa McFayden. I don't have time to do all of them right now, but this is one I completed last night. It will sit on a side table in my living room for awhile and can easily be changed or taken apart.

Hope sings, sometimes ever so quietly, at other times with raucous joy. Without hope life is silent and colourless.

Be joyful in hope!
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  1. Hope sings, what a nice motto for your glass filled with goodies. That is a very nice photo, Lorrie.

  2. Lorrie,

    This is absolutely beautiful. Now I am pouting because I didn't sign up for Winterbella however I just don't have any extra time at the moment. I still have a mass of projects from Silver Bella that I have to complete. Teresa really does everything up so wonderfully.

    I do love the idea of hot cocoa right is about 15 degrees and dropping and has been snowing all day. I hope you're staying warm in BC. I lived in Ontario for 20 years and they are having very cold weather now...brrr..about the same as here but they do get more snow then we do in NE. Looking forward to seeing more of your Winterbella posts.


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On a Tuesday in February

  Tuesday are when granddaughter Cora comes over. We spend the morning together, then I take her to afternoon pre-school. Today we baked gin...