Tuesday, January 15, 2008



Winter is the time for comfort.
It is the time for home. (Edith Sitwell)

What are some of your wintertime comforts? Here are a few of mine...

1. sitting with my back to a glowing fire
2. coming in from the cold to a warm home
3. chocolate
4. reading in the evening
5. hand sewing/crocheting with my back to a glowing fire
6. soup - I love the smell, the taste, the creation of it
7. dinnertime with my family
8. tea with anyone
9. admiring the elegance of leafless trees
10. fresh flowers, especially white ones like tulips and freesias
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  1. Winter comforts:

    - the scent of a real wood fire
    - the smell of soup simmering
    - the feel of a warm fleecy blanket
    - the sight of books everywhere (since there's not as much to do outdoors, we read more)
    - a rainy, do-nothing day suitable for curling up and watching old black & white movies
    - the aroma of hot chocolate or cider with cinnamon

    What a great subject; I could go on and on...

    Charm & Grace Blog

  2. These are my favorites:

    1. A roaring fire to read by

    2. Being tucked up on my couch with a cozy blanket and listening to the sound of the wind blowing through our Camphor Tree.

    3. Hot chocolate piled hi with fresh whipped cream and chocolate curls

    4. Hearing the sound of my husbands keys jingling in the lock on a cold rainy night

    5. Comfort foods like...soup and homemade scones

    Loved doing this!


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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