Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Making an Impression

I've always loved the Impressionists' work. The idea of capturing an emotion, a fraction of time in a landscape. I like the way they looked at the world and translated it to their canvases.

When I went to Provence I felt like I had walked into one of their works. I realized that the colours, shapes and textures in their paintings were more than abstract renditions - they truly captured the light and grace of that beautiful part of the world.

These are some ATCs I made from a pamphlet I got through a French tourism site when we were planning our trip in 2007. Some are for a swap, but I made extras just for me. Tiny works of art to admire in my studio/office.

Provence captured a little piece of my heart and I hope to someday return. And I'd like to see more of France - Alsace and Burgundy, the Loire region, Normandy. And more of Europe - Italy, Germany, Austria. I think the travel bug has bitten hard.
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  1. I can see that we are truly kindred sisters in many ways... I love the impressionists and these ATCs are quite beautiful. How neat that you are doing Stepping Up, too. I am LOVING it! Just what I needed right now with all that is going on. Helping me remember Who is really in control.


  2. Hi Lorrie,

    Thank you for your sweet words and prayers. I have missed visiting.

    Your cards are just wonderful and that bag you made..LOVE IT!

    The carousel was in Geneva. I loved the old/new of the shot. If hubby could, he would move to France. I would probably move back to Switzerland. We would have a long distance relationship-hehe.

    Take good care.


  3. Wonderful and beautiful work! You are very talented. You might like my starry night animation since you like impressionism: http://maxanimation.blogspot.com/2008/06/starry-night.html

  4. I have an award for you at my blog.


  5. Well if you happen to travel to Alsace one day, PLEASE let me know so we can meet :-)


Thank you for your comment. I read and value each one, cherishing the connections we can make although far apart. Usually, I visit your blog in return, although if you ask a question I try to contact you directly.

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