Sunday, May 29, 2011

Around the Yard

"In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt." 
Margaret Atwood

Yesterday, I smelled like dirt. After a week of rain, I couldn't resist the pull of sunny skies, and I spent Saturday weeding, transplanting, and screaming at the sight of snakes - 2 live ones and one empty skin. 

This afternoon I went around the yard with my camera, taking photos of the first flowers. How wonderful to be seeing a little color here and there amongst all the green. And although the photo doesn't show it, there was a lovely bee buzzing in the lavender.  With the collapse of bee colonies, seeing a bee is a very good thing. 

Linking to Mosaic Monday.


  1. Thanks (again) for the great photos!
    Best wishes,

  2. Aren't the first flowers so pretty?
    I was just saying to The Great Dane this afternoon that I am worried about our fruit trees. We've seen few bees this year, and that doesn't bode well for the fall crop.

  3. Lovely mosaic! I always look forward to seeing the bees :-) Happy Memorial Day!

  4. Yes, the smell of dirt (soil) is so delicious after the long winter. After weeding I am wearing a lot of it. Wonderful mosaic. V

  5. It's very pretty around your yard! Such pretty blooms :)

  6. The smell of dirt.....Ahhhhh, it's the promise of spring. Always good to meet a fellow gardener. Your flowers are beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Untill later...

  7. Hi Lorrie,
    Like you I love to get my hands dirty outside in the garden, playing in the potager and flowers beds.
    Glad to say no snakes here in Normandy, thank heavens!
    Have a great week.

  8. Wasn't it great to get a little sunshine...and get into the dirt?

  9. Wonderful garden and beautiful blooms. Digging in the dirt is important to my mental health!!! There was a program on bees on NPR Sunday. Happy Monday!

  10. How beautiful!!! My favorite flower is daisies!!! Have a wonderful day!!!

  11. Your flowers are gorgeous! So far today, keeping fingers crossed, it is sunny! YAY! We so need a few days of sunshine to dry up all the standing water around here. Have a great day!

  12. Love the Margaret Atwood quote . . . I discovered it a while back and think of it every time my hands are covered with soil from gardening. Lovely mosaic, Lorrie.

  13. Springtime is looking lovely around your those daisies!

  14. Spring is such a beautiful time. Great photos.

    You mentioned wanting a bookmark, and I'd LOVE to send you one, but I need your new mailing address (My email is in my profile).

    Enjoy your day!

  15. Very pretty and I'm sure fragrant with the lavender! ♥

  16. Lorrie - I love that quote and the beautiful mosaic you created. the first flowers are so special - especially if they just pop up and smile at you of their own accord. Hope the summer that lies ahead will be filled with special days and happy family visits.

  17. Now that's a euphemistic way to describe how a gardener smells. :D Glad to know that things are picking up out there.

    On a completely different note, I so wanted to make the strawberry dessert for the holiday, but it turned off so hot and muggy that I couldn't bear the thought of firing up the oven. Now I've eaten the berries and need to round up more provender. Tomorrow, only in the low 60s, looks like a wonderful day for baking.

  18. Oh I love that quote! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us.


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