Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Chocolate and Raspberries

It's raspberry season and while we don't have any plants of our own, I buy them and thoroughly enjoy them. I brought a flat home today, most of them will be frozen for the winter, but I saved a few to eat fresh.

While rummaging in the fridge freezer I discovered three individual tart shells. I made desserts for a group some time ago and put the leftover shells away for later. It's a lot later - probably a couple of months. 

While on Sonora Island last week, I was looking through Julia's cookbooks and came across a chocolate and fruit tart that sounded wonderful. This is an approximation, and I don't have a real recipe. But it's easy.

Bake tart shells - or a full pie crust. Pour a chocolate ganache over the bottom. (Heat cream, add chopped semi-sweet chocolate and stir until smooth.) Let cool. Top with fresh raspberries before the mixture sets up. 

Glaze it with apricot jam (heated) if you like. I skipped that step, preferring to savour the slightly tart berries. Chill until ready to serve. This would also be good with whipped cream. 

This was my haul from the garden today. I roasted the yellow squash with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, and a chopped red pepper. With the kale I sauteed it along with an onion, added some garlic and a lump of cream cheese along with a little chicken broth, and threw in a handful of chopped black olives at the end. 

The tiny broccoli and cauliflower will wait for another day, as will the zucchini and lettuce. What luxury to eat from the garden. 


  1. These are really delightful colourful treats and photographs. I also like to add mint and chestnut, strawberries and cream, vanilla and salted caramel, too delicious.
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  2. Great garden haul!!
    I had to smile at your discovery of the tart shells - I know that I have some in my freezer at this very minute...and I know how they'll be filled this weekend.

  3. Your raspberries tart looks so yummy, how I wish I could buy them in bulk instead of a tiny 300g punnet!
    Glad to see your kitchen garden is thriving, bon appetit.

  4. What? No raspberry muffins? I think you've made a better choice with this one...looks delicious. And your impromptu meal made from your own garden produce sounds wonderful. I have a little tiny squash growing. Every day I chcck on his progress. It'll be awhile.

  5. I bought raspberries yesterday . . . mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. Shared some with the girls and froze the rest. Your raspberry treat looks like something I would like to try.

  6. Oh my... my mouth started watering when I saw this delicious post!! What a great close up of your delicious looking tart! Yummy! pass the whipped cream please!


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