Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy Canada Day!

Although our weather is a little unsettled, we'll be enjoying this wonderful land in which we live! Camping, barbecuing, some beach time, good food, great company. 

Wherever you are, I hope that you take the time to appreciate your country and the freedoms you enjoy.


  1. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Happy 144th Canada Day to you too!

  2. Have a lovely weekend celebrating Canada Day! Sounds as if you've some fun planned!

  3. Have a great time, whatever you do! We're sitting quietly here, coffee brewing and table set for a lazy Friday breakfast.

  4. Happy Canada Day to you!!! We are so blessed to live in this great country!!! Enjoy your day..the weather is unsettled here to.

  5. Woke to dark skies and wind. Now it's sunny and bright, but still quite windy. It's making the neighbour's Canadian flag really flap today.

    We just finished a celebration brunch and feel a nap coming on.

    I hear the Royal Couple needed a nap earlier today too, so I feel in fine company!

    Enjoy your day.........

  6. Thank you and have a wonderful weekend yourself. Enjoy!!

  7. We celebrated Canada Day by drinking coke floats in the back yard with my brother and sister in law!

  8. Hope you continue your good times and celebration.

  9. Happy Canada Day! I was actually in Canada for the first time last weekend. It was fun to celebrate Canaday Day, and then I got to celebrate Independance Day when I came back on Monday! I love Canada and Canadians. The nicest people!! and Quebec was so beautiful.


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