Sunday, July 03, 2011

Deep in the Woods

On this long weekend we celebrated, along with many other Canadians, our country's 144th birthday. No fireworks nor parades for us, instead, three days of camping. The beauty of creation astounds me without fail. From the smallest plant on the forest floor to the grander vistas of water rushing over rocks, nature never fails to delight the eye and provide refreshment for the soul.

There were 9 of us - 8 adults who sat by the fire, went for walks, cooked bannock on a stick, sketched, read, talked, and ate a lot, plus one 6-month-old girl who charmed us with her smiles, and made the trip a little more work for her parents. We celebrated a birthday with an impromptu party, insisting that the birthday boy dress up for the occasion. He was a good sport, donning tiara, earrings and necklace with big smiles. Balloons and blowing bubbles added to the festive atmosphere.

Now we're all home again, with laundry machines humming, towels damp from showers to wash away the campfire smoke, and memories of a wonderful weekend.

Linking to Mosaic Monday, hosted by Mary, at the Little Red House.


  1. We Islanders are quick to link today!
    Your weekend sounds like it was great fun. I gardened A LOT this weekend and thought of you when I planted that pretty blue cranes-bill geranium...thank you!

  2. Wonderful images of the family and fun! Love the water and the reflections. Looks like a wonderful time! Have a wonderful week!

  3. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Gorgeous mosaics Lorrie!

  4. Lorrie, Your weekend sounds tranquil and relaxing, lucky you. It was very hot and humid here for the Canada Day weekend. Take care and have a great week:)

  5. Oh, it sounds like such a wonderful weekend! Thanks for sharing at MM . :)

  6. Camping is a wonderful way to spend a long weekend. Wonderful. V

  7. The camping trip looked like a relaxing one and a great way to spend the long weekend.

  8. Looks like a wonderful time! Great shots!

  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    What a wonderful time everyone must have had! Have a wonderful 4th.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  10. Judging by your photos, you were camping in a beautiful spot. Nancy

  11. Looks as if you honored the holiday well. Nothing like camp smoke and chats by the fire. Is this your grandgirlie's first camping trip? I am sure that it is well documented. (Nothing like a shower after a camping trip either. I can't think of one that I'm more eager for or that feels any better.)

  12. Relaxing, comfortable family time together makes a very good mosaic!

  13. Look's like a great family time! I can identify with the 'laundry mahines humming...and memories of a wonderful weekend.!

  14. Anonymous5:03 AM

    Looks like you had a great camping trip! Wasn't it nice to have great weather too? We needed that!

  15. Hi Lorrie,
    What a great sounding weekend, looks like everyone got to do a little of what they fancied.

  16. Your mosaics are beautiful, Lorrie! Glad you were all able to be together for the weekend in the woods.

  17. It sounds like you all had a wonderfully relaxing get away, Lorrie! Family camping trips are always so much fun!

  18. Your mosaic photos look so cool and peaceful! Great way to spend a reflective holiday weekend.

  19. What a gorgeous way to spend time with family!

  20. Looks and sounds great fun and I see baby is growing up. Can't believe 6 months already.

  21. Anonymous6:17 AM

    All of your family members are looking so happy on the trip i think you all of you enjoyed your trip so much ..............
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