Saturday, July 02, 2011

Garden Progress

It's always so exciting to wander through the garden and see the plants change. The beans are just beginning to put out their tendrils and will soon cover the wooden supports.

Lots of zucchini blossoms and the beginning of the first zucchini.

I'm not sure what these are called. Coral Bells? They stand about 18 inches tall, and the leaves are dark green and narrow. They seem to withstand the deer. Whatever they are, they are so pretty.

How is your garden coming along? Do you grow any vegetables?


  1. Hi Lorrie,

    Happy Canada day a little bit late.
    Hot here- supposed to break records.

    There is a nice farm where i buy veggies but grow them? One day...

    big hugs,

  2. I love watching the garden as it goes through it's metamorphoses. Looks like someone will soon be feasting on fresh vegetables...nothing like it.

  3. Our garden is coming along, but still behind yours. I have lots and lots of those coral bells and you're right - there were lots of them before the deer fence. The deer left them alone, along with the red hot pokers, all manner of daisies and foxglove and bachelor buttons.

  4. The potager is thriving, we're already on the second crop of salad leaves!
    Tiny haricot beans are coming through as are little courgettes and dwarf runner beans and don't even ask about the cabbages & kale!

  5. Hi Lorrie . . . I have those same flowers in the yard and didn't know what they were called. I found out they were Canterbury Bells or Bellflower (campanula). My personal garden space is all containers where I have lettuce, chives, garlic, cherry and beefsteak tomatoes, beans (way behind) spearmint, peppermint and rosemary in addition to my assortment of floral delights. Love seeing your pictures!

  6. A few veggies are growing for the first time. We'll see how that goes.

    Those flowers are lovely and how good that the deer don't like them.

  7. We have peas and tomatoes that we are picking now. Peppers aren't ready yet. Marigolds, vinca, and impatiens are very happy because we have finally started getting rain!

  8. Me again, I forgot to mention the rhubarb, strawberries and peppers . . . yum!

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Two tomato plants, three pepper plants, and a trailing cherry tomato tucked into one of the flower pots. I intended to plant more but after the issues with getting the garden ready, there wasn't time and - LOL - standing in front of all the herb plants was making my eyes glaze over. Who knew there was different kinds of thyme or orgegano or curry or... You know me in the kitchen.

  10. My garden is coming along, the weather has been so back and forth it's affecting everything. First we had so much rain daily for awhile, and then none. I've had some weirdly shaped cucumbers and not fully grown tomatoes as a result. Lots of nice flower going now, Black Eyed Susans, coneflowers and butterfly bushes. My Stargazer lillies are amazing. Going to get some seeds starts for green beans today, better late than never!


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